Ch.50 ~ Shane (What Really Happened)

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A/n: Season 2 final 🥳 Gonna be moving onto season 3 next which is personally my favourite season for Daryl and y/n in this book. Anyway gonna do some editing after this and correct the first 50 chapters of spelling mistakes that I've noticed and maybe remove some unnecessary A/n.

Enjoys guys and see you soon in season 3.


Y/n's POV

The side roads leading east were quiet, really quiet, it was strange to think that the winding roads which lead to and from the highway would be so deserted and peaceful. The only sound heard was from the engines of our vehicles tailing each other as we attempted to find refuge. It was almost melodic. Passing by an abandoned petrol, or as the Americans call it, a gas station brought back an all too familiarity of Wales.

Back home roads like these were called A roads and they would lead on for miles upon end through countryside landscapes and scenery, all the way through small village bustling with life, village folk sharing the latest gossip, tending to their gardens or kids dispersing from showing off tricks on their bikes and scooters to the side of the roads to let the vehicle incoming pass by.

The nostalgia of home however was quickly distorted to the memories of last night and the night before. It was like an arrow soared through the air at that once peaceful reality, cutting in two to reveal what had now become the new harsh reality of life. No child's laughter and joy, no neighbours gossiping, no gardens getting tended, just death, fear and pain.

Images of people and animals alike being torn to pieces and feasted on by what once were people who would have gossiped, shown off or tended to their gardens in that peaceful reality, in another life, flashed through my head in a disturbing array that made me wince.

Shaking my head I sat up straight tilting my head back slightly as the wind blew by, liberating me as it whipped through my hair and along my dried tear stained face. My hands rested lightly on Daryl's waist as we continued on for a few more miles till the sound of a car horn cut through the peaceful melody of car engines and gushing wind.

Pulling over to the side Daryl brought the bike to a standstill as the other drivers did the same with their vehicles. The two of us dismounted the bike and it was then I became aware how dead my limbs had become, almost tripping over my wobbly feet after being sat down for too long.

Luckily Daryl caught me though the amused smirk on his face didn't go unnoticed when I looked up to thank him. I smack his arm muttering a quiet thanks before pulling away to stretch my tired limbs. The popping of my bones rang out in a satisfying manner that made Daryl cringe at my sigh of relief, my limbs now awakened.

"What." I quipped with a smile.

"Never do that again." He states with a look of disgust still on his face.

"I was just stretching, mmmm, my bones feel good after that." I muse rolling my neck side to side hearing two more pops that shot my dopamine levels towards cloud nine.

"That's gross." Daryl muttered before walking closer to the group with me following in his steps. I was so relaxed and happy at the relief of my limbs, my mind didn't pay attention to the next few words to leave my lips.

"Skylla doesn't think so isn't that right gir-" I cut myself off as I paused in my step looking down to my side only to be hit by the realisation that Skylla was gone. My fist clenched in anger and sadness. My once joyful self was replaced by a dreary aura and downcast expression.

A hand rested tenderly on my shoulder while the person's other hand came up under my chin turning my gaze to theirs. His piercing blue eyes could see my momentarily forgotten hurt crashing back down on me. With a tender stroke of his thumb to my cheek he spoke softly so only I'd hear.

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