Authors Note ~ Apologies for Ch.3

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Hello everyone sorry this isn't an update I just wanna address an issue which has been bought up about my book.

Firstly I'd like to apologise to anyone offended by the content in Ch.3 ~ Escaping Atlanta Wearing Guts.

When I first wrote the chapter I was also watching the episode it was based on (episode 2 of season 1 - titled Guts).

At the time this book was still early stages meaning not much character development or background since most the people introduced at that point where still newly introduced.

This brings me on to the character Merle Dixon who in the show is represented and perceived as this ignorant, mean, racist, rough man. And when I wrote this book I assumed most if not all of you would be aware of this.

Which is why when I wrote the squabble between T-Dog and Merle I assumed the readers of this book would be aware of Merle's personality included his racist ideologies.

Wanting to stay true to the characters origins and not change the speech used I wrote a racial slur (The N word) which he uses in the same episode of the mentioned chapter above.

Wanting to stay true to the characters origins and not change the speech used I wrote a racial slur (The N word) which he uses in the same episode of the mentioned chapter above

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This screenshot is proof of the language used by Merle in the episode I wrote the chapter on. As you can see his character script included the use of the N-word.

Again I apologise if I offended anyone and I shouldn't have assumed people would be aware and ok if I stuck to the script of that episode. The text in that's chapter is in no ways a reflection of the language I use or my ideologies and anything written in this book is strictly fictional.

I would like to point out that I try to put disclaimers at the start of every season so in the future I will be more careful to list the trigger warnings of that season and update them as I go alone.

I'd also like to point out that on the book description I do state I use strong language in the book as well as other themes that's follow in this book. I will bracket along side this warning offensives language.  Evidence provided below.

  Evidence provided below

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I hope you all accept my apologies for the use of the mentioned word

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I hope you all accept my apologies for the use of the mentioned word.

For those still waiting on the next chapter one will be coming soon I haven't uploaded recently due to starting back in collage and spending some time working on my twilight x reader book. So I haven't forgotten I am halfway through the chapter just gotta finish and proof read it before I upload.

See you guys then and again I'm sorry.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now