Ch.7 ~ Vatos & The Warning Pt.1

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3rd Person POV

Glenn and Daryl made their way down the yellow escape ladder to the same side alley Glenn had first met Rick in merely 24 hours prior.

The two walked hunched over as they made their way over to the fence which blocked off the alley from the dead infested street ahead.

Meanwhile T-dog and Rick made their way through an alley two blocks away mimicking the way Glenn and Daryl crept forward. The only difference is they were headed to crouch behind a wall so they'd be out of sight of any walking dead passing by.

Up on the roof top the h/c haired girl jumped from one roof to the other as she needed to reach the roof of the store opposite the one they'd left Merle on.

Once there she stood sweating heavily as she looked out at the street below. She had taken her bag off her back laying it by her feet with her bow and quiver attached to the side of the bag.

Y/n pulled her hair back, tying it in a low ponytail before grabbing the gun she was holding between her legs and resting it on the ledge of the roof. Crouching slightly she looked through the scope of her gun toward the two alleys the other four were at.

Seeing them in position she crouched beside her bag clipped the gun on it, grabbing her bow and quiver. She sat the quiver up against the roof wall as she readied the bow with an arrow.

She waited patiently for the signal they had agreed on to let everyone know when Glenn would emerge from the alley. Letting out a pant the girl took in a deep breath, she wasn't used to the American heatwaves being from a country which wasn't sunny very often.

She grabbed the side of her black sleeveless cardigan cloak and waved it a little, creating some sort of air to grace her body. A few short minutes later the signal came, two static sounds over the walkie before the line went dead.

Y/n watched as Glenn ran out of the alley in a crouched position. He came up alongside a car glancing in only to see a walker sat there groaning as it snapped it head towards him.

Stumbling a little Glenn moved to the next car crouching down as three walkers walked by. Once they passed he sprinted forward all the while the walker in the first car groaned and got out its sight set on Glenn.

Glenn jumped over some sandbags as a walker turned to look his way. Meanwhile Daryl was crouched behind a bin crossbow at the ready listening for anything approaching.

When the sound of someone tiptoeing forward caught his ears he straightened up raising the bow before stepping out on the boy arrow aimed at him. "Woah, don't shoot me!" Yelled the boy.

"What do you want?" He asked backing away as Daryl stalked forward.

"Looking for my brother. He's hurt real bad. You seen him?" He questions.

All of the sudden the boy starts shouting in Spanish. "Ayudame!" He called looking out towards the street.

"Shut up! You're gonna bring the geeks down on us." Daryl threatens stepping closer to the boy. "Answer me." He demands.

Back with Glenn the walker turned away allowing the Asian boy to jump up and make a beeline for the bag of guns. He scooped them up and began to run back toward the alley he came from.

As he did he noticed the sheriffs hat Rick had worn into the city. He stops and turns around picking up the hat as he does a walker begins closing in on him.

Glenn looked up scared for a moment before shock ran through him. He watched the walker fall to the ground a few feet away. The girl on the roof reloaded another arrow ready in case she needed to fire again.

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