Chapter 29

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

Sierra peered into her mother's room and noticed Ruby was fast asleep. She closed the door soundlessly and headed to her room. Sierra was glad she did not have to answer Ruby's questions. She still had to sit down and replay the events of her day and believe them. Sierra had not expected Luke to ask her out. So it was all still sinking into her head. He seemed like a perfect boyfriend so far. Sierra opened her bedroom door and chuckled when she recalled their fight in his penthouse. Luke was curious that she was a spy for Isabella. Sierra placed her bag on the table and got ready for a shower. Now that the bandage was off, she could finally clean her hair.

After the shower, she dressed in an oversized T-shirt and shorts. Sierra dried her hair and wondered if there was something in the fridge for her to eat. Rummaging through the fridge, Sierra found yesterday's leftover lasagna. Cutting through the layers, Sierra took a piece and ate on the kitchen island. She wondered what explanation she would give her mother tomorrow morning for being late. Sierra hated lying. She wished she could tell her mother the truth, but something prevented her. She was scared that Ruby would disapprove of her relationship with Luke. Sierra reminded herself that Ruby had had this talk with Sierra before. She had stated that she would support her decisions. Maybe Sierra was worrying too much. It was not as big a problem as she had anticipated it. Sierra kept imagining possible scenarios that could happen when she would tell her mother the truth in the morning. She had not even mentioned the CEO's name to Ruby.

Sighing in defeat, Sierra headed upstairs and took her medicine before getting into bed. She unlocked her phone to set an alarm for the morning and noticed a message from Luke. Sierra must have been in the shower and did not hear it.

"Sleep well, Kitten."

A smile crept on her face as Sierra read the message. As happy as the message made her feel, Sierra wondered if Luke would still be there when she woke up in the morning. It all felt unreal to her.

"Good night, Fluke."

Sierra replied to his message and fell asleep soon.


Sierra woke up to her alarm blaring against her copy of The Persuasion on the nightstand. Furrowing her eyebrows, Sierra lifted her head and turned it off. Sierra felt white light coming from her window through the curtains. Sierra gradually got out of bed and pulled the curtains to the side. Rubbing her eyes, she adjusted her eyes to the brightness. She noticed white feathery balls slowly dropping on the ground from the sky. The grass was slowly getting white as the snow continued to fall. It was the season's first snow. Sierra heard footsteps outside her room, and the door opened.

"Are you up? I heard your alarm."

"Yeah, just got up. Good morning."

"Morning, it is snowing."

"Yup. The season's first."

"When did you get home last night?"

"I got a little late. I had a long day at the university for the research. Then, I had to document the work and hand it over to Jade. After that, I went to the hospital to get my bandage removed."

"Definitely, a long day. I am glad the bandage is off. Breakfast is ready. Wash up and come downstairs."

"You made me breakfast?"

"Don't sound so surprised. I make breakfast sometimes."

Chuckling, Sierra thanked her and freshened up for breakfast. Ruby had made pancakes. Sierra and Ruby ate together. Ruby informed Sierra that her work was almost over for Mr. William. He will be visiting the property today to finalize everything. Sierra felt a lump in her throat at the mention of William. He had seen Sierra with Luke in the pictures. She made a mental note never to cross paths with him, which seemed near impossible since Sierra was dating Luke. A smile crept on her face when she thought about him. Ruby noticed the change in her expression and gave her a quizzical look.

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