Chapter 25

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

As soon as Sierra met Rebecca, she got bombarded with questions. Sierra gave her the same excuse that she gave her mother and thanked Scott for not outing her. Rebecca felt guilty about leaving early. She explained to Sierra that she was afraid of thunderstorms. That is why she was in a hurry to reach home before it began.

"It is okay, Bex. No one could have predicted that I would hit my head like that. It is not your fault."

"I just hope this bandage gets off as soon as possible. It is totally ruining your look."

Sierra realized by Rebecca's comments that she was not feeling remorse anymore. Chuckling at her remarks, she agreed with her. After placing her phone on charge, Sierra created the slides for her progress so far and presented them to Philip, Jade, and Luke. Rebecca and Damien went first and took ten minutes each to discuss their work and get feedback. Sierra's presentation lasted longer. She was trying her best since she did not want their attention drawn to the bandage on her head, which was near to impossible. Philip kept staring at her head throughout the discussion. The look of pity was evident on his face. Jade, on the other hand, barely spoke during the entire thing. Her face was mostly void of any emotions. Luke was the only one speaking to her. He mentioned a few changes that needed to be made and discussed the next step.

"I see you have included the users' thought process with each wireframe. I suggest you keep that in consideration when you perform the research for your next phase of the project. Ms. White will overlook that part of your progress."

Luke paused, and his gaze softened before he continued to speak.

"You have by the end of the week. If you need to leave early because of your injury, you can make up for the missing hours in the coming week."

Sierra looked at him with a cold expression as she blinked once prior to speaking.

"I will ensure my work does not suffer because of my health. Thank you, Mr. Myers."

She lifted her laptop from the table and exited the room. For as long as she stood there, it felt like she was going to suffocate. She placed her things on her desk and headed to the terrace for some fresh air. Rebecca and Damien were already sitting on the chairs outside. They greeted Sierra as she headed out.

"Hey! How did it go?"

"It went well."

"I am sure that even the workaholic's heart melted when he saw you wearing that bandage."

"I don't know. I just presented my work and headed out."

"Mr. Myers seems really reserved for his age. I wonder if he has a girlfriend."

"That is none of our business."

"Maybe not yours. I am always interested in gossip. He has the looks, accent, personality, and money. Mr. Myers can have any woman that he wants."

Sierra chose to stay silent. She did not want to think on the subject. Ignoring her comments, she asked her about her presentation.

"Oh, it was okay. Jade seemed to think that it was very graphic for a wireframe. I told her that I worked with colors. Without them, I couldn't find any meaning in my work."

"But wireframes are not supposed to have colors. The idea is to create a basic sketch of what your first draft would look like."

"I draw with colors, end of story. No two people are alike. And I don't think it matters what my first draft looks like if the final product would be worth it."

Raising her hands in surrender, Sierra smiled at Rebecca.

"Whatever suits you."

"Damien said his designs were not frowned upon."

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