Chapter 4

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The day was almost over for Sierra. She left the auditorium and checked her phone for new messages or calls. She had a message from Rebecca saying that she would start working on the designs tonight. Sierra asked her to choose a platform that displays the designs to the other group members so they can provide their feedback.

Sierra looked around to see if Damien was around. She wanted to inform him about the designs so that he would keep his eyes out for them. But as soon as the lecture was over, he was gone. She wrote a message in the group chat instead. Sierra liked working on projects and was excited about this one because it was their first project. This project would make or break her reputation.

She was working hard to make sure that she succeeded in this degree. Sierra was keen and could learn anything if she set her mind to it. The reason why she had enrolled in an engineering degree was Sophia. Sophia had always dreamt of becoming a Software Engineer. But she could not make that dream come true.

After her death, Sierra promised herself to fulfill her dream. Their father was also an engineer. Hence, Sophia had developed her interest in that career path. So Sierra had no other option but to do well. She had heard from a few seniors that the first year of the degree was crucial. If they do well in their first year, they can graduate with a good GPA. Otherwise, it becomes a hassle. Above all, she needed to keep her scholarship. To maintain her scholarship, she had to do exceptionally well.

Sierra walked home while listening to music. She unlocked the front door to find her mother sitting on the couch. She was surprised to see her mother home this early.


"Hi, sweety. How was your day?"

"It was fine. What about you? You're home early."

"Yeah, got here a few minutes ago. I needed to visit a property nearby. So I decided to take a little break until the client arrived."

"Is this a new client?"

"No, I have been showing them a few places for some time now. They live out of the States. So they do not visit too often. They are in the city for a few days, so I thought about getting their views before I started working on the property."

"Well, I hope they like this one. Have you had lunch?"

"Amen to that. No, not yet."

"Mom, I made pizza yesterday. You could have eaten that, at least."

"I forgot. I am sorry."

"I will warm it up for you. You need to take care of yourself."

"Thank you, darling. I know..."

"Then you should have eaten something on time. How will you work properly without proper meals?"

"Okay, okay. I will eat on time next time. I promise."

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