Chapter 36

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

The cab had dropped Sierra at the office, and she was now standing in front of the elevator when Luke called Sierra back. Stepping into the lift, she picked up the call.


"Hi, you are in your penthouse, right?"

"No. I am not. Why do you ask?"

"I am going there right now."

"But I am at the house. I wanted to head to the gym but then remembered I have one in my basement."

"Oh shoot."

Sighing, Sierra pulled her bag's strap on her shoulder in annoyance.

"What happened?"

"I am in the elevator right now."

"Oh, but why?"

"I have to meet you."

"Why? We can meet on Monday. I wanted to give you some time alone on the weekend so you could prepare for the upcoming exams."

"I am coming to your house."

Sierra hung up. She did not want to confess on the phone. Walking out, Sierra looked across the street and found no cabs. Sighing in defeat, she curled her jacket collar around her neck and walked further. Sierra would walk until she found a cab on her way. Her legs were beginning to feel cold, but she continued to walk. The street was almost white with snow. The chilly wind touched her body, which was slowly losing its warmth. With every step she took, her existence felt like a leaf that would fly away with the wind.

It seemed like she had been walking for hours, and no cab could be seen. Sierra stopped for a minute to rest and noticed a car halt near the sidewalk. She looked up and saw Luke, dressed in a blue sweatshirt and black trousers, making his way to her. His face had a serious expression, and his eyebrows furrowed. He stopped in front of her and crossed his arms.

"You have to stop hanging up on me. You could have waited in the building until I picked you up."

Sierra stayed silent and avoided eye contact with him.

"Why were you walking in the cold?"

"I couldn't find a taxi."

"So you decided to walk to my house on foot?"

"I had to see you."

Throwing his hands up in the air, Luke sighed and opened the passenger seat's door.

"Sometimes you are impossible, Sierra. Get in the car."

Sierra did as she was told and sat in the passenger's seat. Her shoulders relaxed as she sat in the warm car. Luke took the driver's seat and fastened his seatbelt as he gave her a disapproving look.

"What was so important that you could not wait until Monday? Do you have a death wish?"

Sierra felt lost for words. She was not used to being scolded. Her body was shaking, and she felt weak. Luke noticed this and turned up the heat. He leaned towards the backseat and grabbed a jacket. Luke placed it on her lap. Sighing, his frown eased, and his eyes softened as he spoke.

"Are you okay?"

Sierra nodded her head weakly. Realizing that she needed some time to relax, Luke began to drive. Sierra closed her eyes, and a tear escaped her eye. She quickly wiped it away and hoped that Luke had not seen it. The car stopped at a signal.

"Feeling any better?"


"What happened? Is everything okay?"

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