Chapter 22

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

Sierra was still staggered as she watched Luke walk back to his office. He is the CEO of this company! What? Did America run out of people to run companies? Why did it have to be a British? And specifically, this British guy. Sierra remembered how yesterday she was wondering how to thank Luke. The universe had to show and not tell. Is this why Luke said he knew they would meet again? He would have found out who the new interns were. But he looked just as surprised as she was. Oh no. He said if they met again... She felt Rebecca tug at her sleeve.



Rebecca was handing her a piece of paper.

"What are you thinking about?"


Sierra broke out of her trance and realized that Jade was no longer seated in front of her, and Philip was gone as well. Sierra glanced at the piece of paper and realized it was the requirements that Philip had mentioned earlier. She tried to refocus her attention back on the paper, and she kept reading the first line on the page until she was interrupted by Rebecca.

"The workload is definitely not equal."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you not seen the distribution of work yet?"

"I am not done yet."

Rebecca turned her chair towards her right and started chatting with Scott. Sierra could not focus on anything, no matter how much she tried. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. It was her first day at the internship. Sierra could not let all her hard work go to waste. She had been severely ill during the presentation but refused to give up. Reopening her eyes, she began to read the text on the page. After a few minutes, she realized that Rebecca was right. Sierra and Scott were given a larger portion of the project as compared to Rebecca and Damien. That reminded Sierra that Damien was still not there. She thought about asking Scott if he had reached Damien but thought otherwise.

"You are right."

"I am not complaining. It is not like we will be paid to do this. Also, I told you about the play I have to take part in. So I guess, it is a good thing I am given less work."

"Yeah, but it will be on your CV."

"True. But the only reason I would have cared about that is if I wanted a job in this industry. Which I do not. I am here just to please my father dearest."

"Right, how did I forget?"


"What do we have to do now?"

"Didn't you hear? You are supposed to use the ID information provided and start working on your respective PCs."

"We have our own PCs?"

"Um. Yeah, to work. So, I am not as excited about it. I will grab a cup of coffee before my migraine starts."

Pulling her seat as she got up, Rebecca waltzed out of the room. Scott seemed to be reading his paper intently. Sierra tried to clear her throat to get his attention, but he did not budge.


Lifting his head from the paper, he looked at her.


"Would you like some coffee?"

"Yeah, definitely. After viewing the workload, I think I will be drinking a lot of coffee. I have practice to do, grades to maintain, exams next week, and an internship to do."

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