Chapter 27

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

"Why are there so many people inside the building today?"

"I heard Philip say that technicians are updating the security system."

"I am glad we will not be in the office today. It is getting cramped in here."

"Does everyone have everything they need?"

"Yeah, we should leave for the university if we want to collect our surveys and update our projects in time."

The group of friends spent the day at the university and gathered information for their research. Sierra ran into Dan and filled him in on her internship.

"I am not sure if you are the luckiest or unluckiest."


"You work at one of the top companies in the country, probably the world. But you also have a shit load of work to do right before your first finals. It is the time when your CPA should be the best. And you spend the rest of the degree trying to maintain it."

"When put it that way, I feel a little anxious."

"I did not mean to scare you, but it is true."

"I thought you would have some sympathy when you looked at my bandaged head. But, I guess I was wrong."

"Hey, I do not like to see you like this. But I like to give myself a reality check as well. Helps to keep me focused."

"I have way too many things to focus on right now. My health is one. I need to see a therapist after my exams. Have you ever had therapy?"

"Yeah, I was in an accident when I was a teenager. I survived it, but it left me shaken. So I had to get therapy for it because I was too scared to drive after that."

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, well. I am cured now. Well, almost."

Sierra chuckled at his response.

"What do they ask you in therapy?"

"Nothing much, really. It is like talking to a distant relative who pretends to make small talk with you. Well, that's what it feels like, but in reality, they are analyzing your mental health."

"Okayy. I do not know what that feels like."

"Just be honest. That helps with finding the problem and a solution for it. The sooner, the better."

"I will keep that in mind."

Sierra sat on a bench at the campus with Dan as she waited for Rebecca and Scott. Damien stood with a guy and talked to him at a distance. Sierra looked his way and noticed he was smoking. Dan followed his gaze and turned his head towards Sierra. He gestured his head towards Damien as he asked.

"Are you and him a thing?"

"Who? Me and Damien?"


"No. We are friends."

"I am glad to hear that. He has the most unusual company."


"Random people, really. One time, I saw him talking to an emo girl dressed like a slut on the bus. Another time, he was shaking hands with the shadiest guy dressed like a homeless. Even now, look at the person he is talking to. His hair is greasier than the last cheeseburger I had. His nails are grown like a mole, and I am sure he gives off the stinkiest body odor."

Sierra burst out laughing at Dan's description. Her laughter echoed in the almost empty campus. Damien turned his head to look at her and frowned. She had to catch her breath as she stopped. She could only utter one word.

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