Chapter 39

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

The cab driver dropped the girls outside the hospital. The journey was made in silence, but Rebecca kept glancing at Sierra as the situation was not clear to her. She had texted Scott about their whereabouts so he would not worry. As soon as the cab left, Rebecca grabbed Sierra by the arm.

"What are you hiding from me?"

"I will explain everything later. I just have to know that Luke is okay, first."


Sierra sighed in frustration and turned towards Rebecca. It is not how Sierra had planned to inform Rebecca, but it was high time she did.

"I would have told you this sooner, but I had my reasons. Luke and I are dating. We knew each other before the internship began, but if we told this to everyone, it would have raised suspicion."

Rebecca searched Sierra's face as if she was expecting her to say something else. After a minute, she turned her head and exhaled deeply. Shaking her head, a smirk formed on her face.

"You sly little fox. I thought I was being secretive but look at you. You are dating the CEO of the company where we intern."

"Bex, keep it down. I told you we knew each other before that. Can we please just head inside now?"

"Sure. After you. It's your boyfriend we are here to see."

"We didn't exactly talk for the last few days. So, Luke might not be too excited to see me. I just wonder how this happened. I feel guilty now. I should have picked up his calls."

"We will see. Let's hope he is okay. I am sure you can work out your differences later."

Sierra stopped at the reception to inquire about the room Luke was admitted in. The nurse informed her that he had been in an accident, brought to the hospital unconscious, and admitted late last night by his grandfather. When she reached the room, she noticed William standing beside the bed. Sierra recalled the last time she saw William. Luke had called her to prevent William from finding out that Sierra worked at the office. Her glance moved to the bed where Luke lay unconscious, his loving, warm eyes shut. He was wearing a hospital gown, one of his arms and head wrapped in a bandage, and a few bruises could be seen on his arms. Sierra clenched her fist and fought the urge to touch his cheek. Sierra requested Rebecca to stay outside and knocked on the door as she entered the room. William looked up, and his eyes widened in shock which was replaced by anger in seconds.

"You? How dare you show up here?"

"Mr. Myers, it is not my intention to upset you. But I had to see him."

"Well, go on then. Take a good look. Are you happy now?"

"Why would I be happy to see him like this?"

"Isn't that what you had planned since the beginning? You came into his life to ruin him. Congratulations, you succeeded. He does not listen to anything I say because he believes he can find happiness with you. But the only happiness that exists in this world is money."

"You are wrong. Do you think Luke will find bliss in a loveless marriage with Isabella? That woman is selfish and can go to any lengths to ruin him. Is that the girl you think he deserves?"

"Oh, so he deserves someone like you? Who does not belong to a rich family? It is obvious you are after his money. Your cheap tactics can trick him, but not me."

Sierra felt taken aback by the words.

"You know, if I had been in his place, I would have never contacted you after what happened in England. But this moron thought he had found the love of his life and kept reaching out to you. Even though you did not respond."

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