Chapter 23

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Hanni's POV

The next day I left Minji tangled in the sheets of her bed. A blanket barely covered her butt, and her arms were wrapped around the pillow under her head revealing her beautiful back. I considered waking her briefly, but I knew Milly probably needed to take care of her business and had unfortunately neglected my cabin and was out of clean underwear. So I stepped away to do some necessary tasks, leaving a small, light kiss on Minji's shoulder. She was tired, she had expended a lot of energy the night before. I clenched my thighs at the memory and forced my feet to carry me out of the small bedroom.

When I got home, I quickly let Milly out and took a long, hot shower.

After I got dressed, I turned on my phone and saw that I had a couple of messages, both from Danielle, both telling me that the detective who had worked on my father's murder investigation had called her looking for me a couple of times and that I should call her. I took a deep breath and sat down. I called the detective many times in the months after my father's murder and there was never a shred of evidence. Once I left, I never contacted him again. I didn't think it was necessary.

But now he suddenly came out with something new?


I dialed the number I still knew by heart and when Detective McIntyre took the line and I told him who I was, he greeted me warmly.

"Hanni, how have you been?"

"Everything went well, actually, Detective. I know we haven't talked in a while, and my phone number changed..."

"It's okay. I'm glad you gave me the phone number of your friend you stayed with after the crime."

I noticed he didn't say 'murder'.

"So, is there anything new?"

I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Actually, yes. We have a suspicious person. We want you to come over so you can see some of the photos," he said softly.

My heart began to beat faster, and I breathed out, "Oh," and then remained silent.

The detective cleared his throat.

"I know, it's surprising after so many months have passed, but we got the information from a small-time drug dealer who was trying to save himself some jail time."

"Okay," I said. "When do I have to come back?"

"As soon as possible. How soon can you get here?"

I bit my lip. "Uh..." I considered it for a minute, "three days?"

"If that's the quickest you can get here, then it'll have to do."

I felt a little numb.

"Okay, Detective, I'll call you as soon as I get back to town."

We said goodbye and hung up, I sat on my bed for a long time looking out the window, feeling like a bubble had just burst. However, I wasn't sure how exactly to classify it, because I knew I was happy that there might be a breakthrough in my father's case. If there was an arrest... I wouldn't have to worry anymore... I could finally feel completely safe. And my dad would get the justice he deserved.

I picked up my phone, dialed Danielle, and told her the news. When I finished, she let out a big sigh and said, "God, Hanni, I'm afraid of getting my hopes up, but... I hope..."

"I know," I said. "I know...and so do I."

She was silent for a second before saying, "Listen, I have an idea. How about I fly over there and drive back to you to keep you company?"

I let out a sigh. "Would you do that?"

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