Chapter 14

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Hanni's POV

I woke up and opened my eyes, I could feel they were swollen. The room was dark, just a floor lamp in the corner next to one of the built-in bookshelves. I was lying on a worn leather couch and an old wooden coffee table was sitting in front of me. The window curtains were open, and I could see that the sun had completely set.

I moved the blanket that was over me to the side.

Minji must have done that.

My heart was squeezed.


She had taken care of me.

She had saved me.

I sat up and, despite my sore eyes and my forehead that was slightly tender to the touch, the rest of me felt pretty good, rested. Surprisingly I had turned into a wild animal when that net fell on me. I had been very distantly aware of what was happening as Minji removed it from my body. I wasn't sure why there was a trap on her property, but I assumed it had something to do with his uncle.

God, I had got scared.

I was embarrassed now.

But somehow I felt relieved too.

Somehow I felt... lighter?

When I realized I was being carried and looked into Minji's worried eyes, I felt safe, and the tears finally fell.

I was interrupted in my thoughts when I heard Minji's footsteps behind me, returning to the room.

I turned to thank her, a sheepish smile on my lips, but when she came into view, I froze.

Sweet mother of all that is holy...

Her hair was up and I could see her face.

And she was... beautiful.

I was speechless.

Her jaw was hard, not in an exaggerated way.

Her lips were full, a beautiful light pink color.

With her hair tied back, I could see how her eyes and nose fit perfectly into the portrait of her face.

Why had she ever hidden it?

I knew she had a pretty face somewhere underneath, but not this.

I had never imagined this.

Just as I was about to speak, she walked closer to me, toward the light, and that's when I saw the scar at the base of her throat, pink and shiny, the skin raised in some places and flat in others. It stood out harshly against the beauty of her features above her.

"Minji," I breathed out, staring.

She paused in her

movement, but said nothing. She stood there, uncertainty in the expression on her face and in the way she held herself, rigid and motionless. And I couldn't do anything but watch, spellbound by her beauty. Something tugged hard inside me.

"Come here, " I said, pointing to the couch next to me. I turned around as she walked around and sat down next to me.

My eyes roamed over her face. Why did you do it?

She was silent for a couple of seconds, looking down, taking her bottom lip between her teeth before raising her hands and saying.

I don't know .

Her expression turned thoughtful, her eyes met mine, and then she continued.

When you were in the trap, I couldn't talk to you to calm you down. You can't hear me... I can't help it.

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