Chapter 17

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Hanni's POV

I left the restaurant later that day and noticed that it felt noticeably cooler, still warm for late summer, even though it was early September, and the air smelled like fall. The leaves were just beginning to change color here and there and I saw jeans and sweaters in my near future.

I stopped in my car.

Did that mean I was going to stay here?

I had been in Pelion for less than a month, but I was already beginning to consider it my home.

I'd have to think about it.

For now, I didn't feel any rush.

I opened my car door and suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder. I was startled, gasping as I turned around.

A pair of brown eyes found me.

For the briefest portion of a second, I was confused, as my eyes scanned the beautiful face beneath a head of dark hair.


I breathed, laughing, and putting my hand to my chest.

She smiled.

I'm sorry.

I laughed again.

It's alright. I didn't hear you approach . I frowned. What are you doing here?

"I'm here for you," she said, putting her hands in her pockets and looking at her shoes for a second before taking her hands out of her pockets and raising them again.

Do you think it's OK? She kept her head down, but she looked at me, narrowing her eyes slightly. My stomach flipped.

Yes, it's okay, I said, smiling at her.

I have the bouquet you left me. I loved it.

She nodded, with a small smile, but then her face took on a worried expression.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," she said, running her hand through her hair. I should explain to you, I...

Minji, I said, grabbing her hand to stop her from talking, How about that cooking lesson tonight and we can talk then? That would be good?

She studied me for a second and then nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets and looking around nervously.

I smiled.

Okay, great... good. I'll go home to shower and grab the bike.

She nodded again, yes.

Come in , I said, pointing to my car. I'll take you home.

She looked at my car like it was a flying saucer.

No, I'll walk.

I frowned. Minji, seriously. Why walk when I can take you home?

She started to back away. I'll see you in a bit.

I just watched her until she turned around and started walking away.

Well, whatever then, I thought. It was then that I realized that all the people were looking in my direction curiously, walking slowly, not even trying to hide their curiosity.

Heck, small towns can be very annoying.

Was there privacy here?

I got in my car and drove home.

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