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pov Anselmo,

Me and Esterio either sit with the soccer guys or alone in silent. Since he enjoyed studying and stuff. Today we were alone when eating.

"Do you get this?" He asked me sliding his paper to me. I immediately thought if you don't know it, how would I know. But nonetheless I was gonna try to help him with his work.

"Umm I think you probably just got confused with the separate denominators. Cause your work followed the formula." I said confused, he hummed thinking. Suddenly he got with answer with a little gasp.

"Oh your right, my work kinda confused me." He said embarrassed with a blush. "Thanks" He said going back to his work. Lunch period was over it seemed or at least about to be. Only 3 students sat at one other table.

"Anselmo" I heard my name looking up at Max and his two other friends. I remembered what Vicente told me he said standing up. As they clearly came to start some shit.

"What do you want?" I asked

"Where's your boyfriend Vicente? He was acting real tough the other day." The guys laughed with him. "Why ain't he here huh?"

"He is you probably ain't looking hard enough." I said amused he didn't want to fight Vicente. But was willing to bring his friends over to me.

"What's going on?" Esterio whispered to me.

"We did dude he ain't here, but I see your here with his cousin." He smirked to Esterio. "We're about to beat up your boyfriend sweet heart." He said to Esterio making me laugh. I mean yeah they totally are gonna jump me and beat my ass. But it was so pathetic to think about. These guys are so scared of Vicente they want to jump me instead of fighting him. His big ass friend walked over to me tryna hold me so they could beat my ass I guess. I socked his big greasy ass nose. But it was no use when the other guy grabbed me. With him tackling me. Now I regretted not working out like Vicente. Esterio seemed to panic going to beg the guys to stop. His eyes teary.

"Wait stop" He said "Please guys don't d-" Max grabbed Esterio by his wrist pushing him onto the table.

"Shut the fuck up, this is all your fault anyways omega." Max said as I tried harder to get out. There's was no way I was gonna let this guy even touch Esterio.

"Hey leave that omega alone." One of the middle schoolers yelled from the other table as they got up to leave. Then I was able to elbow the short one in the face. Getting out of the fat guys grip. I tackled Max so much adrenaline going thru me when he touched Esterio. He fell losing his breath from the fall. So I socked him in the face. I continued to hit him but forgot about his friends who were pretty pissed at me. One sock to the face from that fat mother fucker and I seemed to pass out.


pov Esterio,

I didn't know what to do as Anselmo punched Max more then 5 time. Max was trying to fight back but I imagine being punched makes it hard. I didn't know what to do as that really big guy socked Anselmo.

"Anselmo!" I yelled falling on my knees next to him. As Max's friends laughed helping Max up. "Why'd you have to jump him?" I asked crying but they just laughed more. The middle schoolers walked to us once they left. They were scared just like me.

"Do you want us to get a teacher?" The girl asked me so I nodded. I raised Anselmos head on my lap as two of the kids left.

"C-could you get" I sniffed "me w-water please?" I asked

"Yeah I got you" He said running to the cafe food court. Anselmo moaned a bit giving me hope he wasn't too injured.

"Anselmo" I called Holding his face with my cold hands. He was half asleep my cold hands like electrocution in his sleep. He jerked his head a bit his hand grabbing mine. "Anselmo!" I said excitedly

"E-Esteri" He couldn't even finish my name. It made my eyes tear up as I hugged him to my body. I knew after this I'd never want to see anyone hurt Anselmo again. Especially while I just sit there uselessly.


pov Anselmo,

I woke up a bright light in my face. Remembering I had been socked to sleep I sat up. Seeing a medic, the principle and some students sitting around. I cursed at myself for thinking I could win that fight.

"Anselmo" I heard a cheer as Esterio throw himself onto me. I blushed hugging him back as he began to cry to me. "I'm so sorry" He cried big ugly fat tears on my shirt. But it was cute I hugged him closer.

"Anselmo Escarra" The principles voice broke my moment with Esterio. "Your suspended" Esterio got of me whipping his teary eyes.

"What?" I said confused as I tried to stand.

"You need to sit down, your still concussed." The medic warned me, I groaned sitting.

"How am I suspended I only fought once?" I asked. Since what Vicente's told me they give three strikes till you can be suspended or anything.

"We changed the rules" He informed me making me groan. Esterio sat with me checking on my face.

"Angelito" I looked to my mom her eyes teary. "What happened my baby?" She ran to me holding my face.

"Nothing mom" I said already embarrassed

"We already have the other three boys Ms Escarra." My mom gasped at the principles words.

"Three boys where hurting my son" She said looking at me from ever inch. She was very worried.


pov Esterio,

I hugged Anselmo tightly while he got his books. I felt really scared seeing Anselmo get knocked out but he seemed fine now. His mother hugged me a very sweet women. Shows how she raised such a gentlemen. I hugged her back she was really happy I stayed with Anselmo while he was hurt.

"Thank you so much sweet heart, my boys really lucky to have you in his life." I blushed feeling the same about Anselmo. I was really lucky to have him as I a friend.

"Of course, I just wish I could've done more or-or-" As I began to ramble Anselmo groaned pulling me in for a hug.

"There's no reason for you to get involved in that kinda fight. Even if there's ten guys don't think like that." I felt like he was scolding me but he was right. What's the use if I try to fight? I wouldn't even try to fight another omega cause how weak I am. He let me go and I nodded. Waving to them as they left the school.

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