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pov Anselmo,

I got in the back seat, dabbing both Vicente and Esterio up.

"Wassup Ángel?" Vicente greeted

"Nothing my mom wants you to come over for my birthday tho, we're making tamales. You too Esterio if you want." Vicente's fat ass immediately agreed. He loved to eat ever since we were kids too. And since he had been working out he had gotten pretty buff too. So he just eats whatever the fuck he wants. Without gaining shit.

"Hell yeah is Victtor going?" I nodded my mom liked to invite them both for my birthday most ever year. Deon used to go too, I want to invite him this year, I hope it will show him I changed. And really want to be his friend again.

"Of course my mom loves Victtoria." I rolled my eyes a bit playfully with a smile. My mom wanted girls but she ended up having 3 alpha sons. So she'll spoil Victtoria rotten.

"When's your birthday?" Esterio asked me making me blush nervously, like an idiot.

"This Friday" I chuckled nervously

"Oh well what kinda gift would you want?" He asked me

"Anything is fine" I said honestly with a blush, I'm not picky at all.

"Okay well I hope you like whatever it is." He said kindly making me grin at his cute ness.


pov Vicente,

I asked Esterio to go to the back as we parked at Ovidio's. I wanted his brothers to see me pick him up. They seemed to be outside already smoking vape. They looked at me mad dog as I smirked watching they're brother walk out excitedly. I was shocked to see he was wearing a cheer outfit. Making my cheeks red, imagining if he had been in that the other night.

"Hey Vicente" He waved to me cutely as he walked over to the car. His brothers confusion turning to frustration as I walked out my car. Hugging the omegas cute waist as he held back innocently. I opened the door for him surprising him as he blushed taking a seat. "Thanks that's very kin-"

"Ovidio you know you ride the bus." Isaiah said glaring at me as he walked over to my car.

"Yeah but dad said it was okay if Vicente took me, so bye-"

"Ain't you Victtorio's little friend?" Orion asked grinning.

"Yeah I heard you jumped him, that was some bitch shit." They both looked to each other with a chuckled.

"He was here at the wrong time" Isaiah said with a shrug.

"That wasn't cool, he's Victtoria's dad." Ovidio argued

"Shut up Inocencio big ass mouth bruh" Orion laughed walking back inside with Isaiah. Slow ass mother fucker ain't even going to school? God knows that mother needs some of that education. Isabel walked out the house with her backpack. We both looked at each other rolling our eyes as she went to hers and Ovidio's bus stop.


pov Anselmo,

Ovidio and Vicente told us they were dating now.

"Ahh okay that's good" I said legit happy for Ovidio.

"That's good" Esterio said next

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