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pov Ovidio,

I was happy Vicente got to spend time with my siblings. Even if he never got to see me take off some clothes. I hope he enjoyed meeting my family too. Both my parents said he seemed respectful which made me happy. I walked Vicente to the door sad he had to go as I clinged to his arm the whole time. As we got to the car he held me and I could tell we both felt closer after today. I held him back so warm in the cold air because his strong arms. I kissed his nose making him smirk as I giggled.

"Give me a real one." He whined, I looked to the windows in my house for safe measures no one was watching. Before I kissed him, he leaned my back to the car. Making our kiss passionate and deep. He left our kiss making me whine. "Your a brat you know, I could tell your parents spoiled your ass." I pouted shaking my head

"How?" I said crossing my arms.

"Your rooms literally half of the upstairs and everyone treats you like the baby of the house even tho Orions younger then you." I rolled my eyes playfully shy. Everyone always tells me I'm spoiled and the princess in my home. And yeah I guess I am sometimes but only with my dad really.

"Isa has the same room as me downstairs." I said

"Hmmm well I guess they just don't like your brother." I laughed at his words. "You are the princess huh?" He bullied me making me blush.

"Your not funny." I whined playfully hitting his chest that kept me to the car. He smiled at my words picking me up and kissing my cheek. I was surprised he picked me up wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs to his waist. As I grinned goofyly, pecking his forehead after he kissed me.

"I just want to steal you and be alone with you forever." He whined into my neck probably getting my scent to comfort him.

"Me too, I wish we could've been alone today." I knew it kinda seemed like he wanted to go to my room to only do 'fun stuff'. But we both just wanted to be alone too, I just want to be with him cuddled in bed. I want to be on his chest and fall asleep on his muscular body.

"Okay I think you've said bye long enough!" Orion yelled from the door making us both cock our heads to him. "And put him down!" He yelled before going back inside. Vicente rolled his eyes before putting me down. I pouted because I really did like being held.

"You have to go?" I asked sad eyes and pouty lips. Making his own sad expression. "I want to be with you" I whined holding his shirt as I cuddled in his chest.

"I want to be with you too baby. Fuck my alphas like begging me to stay." We both laughed at his words, before I kissed him again. We had to break apart letting him get in his car as I walked to my door. Both of us dramatically slow as if we're both contemplating running back into the others arms. As I reached the door I waved bye. Him doing the same as he started his car. I blow him a kiss making him blush and laugh as I went inside. I closed the door with a sigh. I want him already.

"What was taking you so long?" All three of my siblings waiting at the door for me. My parents immediately entering at the door closing.

"I was just saying bye." I said rolling my eyes.

"No they were all over each other, kissing and stuff." Orion said gagging grossed out.

"Enough Ori, Vicente seems like a sweet kid. Do you want to invite him to dinner?" My mom asked me and I immediately nodded. I had thought my mom would like him the least but she seemed to the most.

"As long as he treats you good baby I like him too." My dad said

"Okay thanks, I'll go invite him to dinner." I ran upstairs excitedly, to my family maybe I looked crazy or obsessed. But I felt an overwhelming happiness being with Vicente. I've been wanting to be with him and now he's all mine.


pov Vicente,

Once I got home I immediately missed Ovidio. I remembered how excited and happy he was to reintroduce me to his siblings and parents. It made me feel some type of way no other omega had me feel. He showed me to his room and we immediately started making out. But when everything was starting to get good his siblings decided to cock block. I know he's not ready for sex which is fine. I just like experimenting with him and he likes teasing me so he could call me a pervert and bully me. He's honestly such a brat. Just seeing how he's the princess in his home I knew why I couldn't help but want such a brat. If Ovidio wants it he gets it and he wanted me I guess.


pov Esterio,

The next morning I woke up to Vicente getting ready while on the phone. With Ovidio on speaker.

"Yeah okay baby, I got you I'll be there by 12 Bye baby" He said

"Bye babe I can't wait for you to get here." Vicente chuckled shyly.

"Me too baby bye"

"Bye" He hung up as he put on his shirt. I sat up rubbing my sleepy eye as I sighed. Vicente looked back at me as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Dude I need your help" He said buttoning up his shirt. "I'm gonna pick up Ovidio" He explained looking at himself in our mirror. "He's gonna meet my parents and siblings. And i-I don't know how I feel about this. Ovidio's kinda uh my parents know him as a stupid omega who has a crazy crush on me. I- I kinda gave him a bad reputation I know it's fucked up." He said before I could scolded him. "I know I know I really am a dick okay just help me." I rolled my eyes getting up.

"Fine whatever, I mean you really are trying." I started teasing him about his outfit. He looked just like my dad in his button up, iron black shirt. Cowboy pants and brown boots. Not to mention his brown belt, necklace rosary and nicely geled hair. "You don't look messy today." I bullied him for his regular hoodies, jeans and messy hair. Vicente looked at me with a tsk.

"Ovidio loves my hair messy." He looks back at the mirror like a narcissist. He keeps checking out himself as he added a sliver watch to his outfit.
This guy I thought rolling my eyes. And getting up to get ready.

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