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pov Esterio,

After lunch me and Ovidio sat on my bed eating his heart chocolates from Vicente. Vicente was getting us some drinks. In a bit at dinner time they planned on going to Ovidio's house. His mother invited them to dinner like they came to lunch.

"So how do you feel?" I smirked playfully at the shy omega.

"Hmm I-I felt like they'd hate me. But I feel so much lighter now that i know they like me." He squealed a bit cutely, I rolled my eyes.

"How could anyone hate you? Your perfect" I said with a tsk.

"Oh please I'm not perfect at all." He laughed making me pout and cross my arms.

"What do you mean your the most beautiful and like sweet person ever. I feel like your the most perfect omega ever. How could you say that." He continued to laugh.

"Oh please I wish I was like you. Your like the image of perfection cute face, smart, witty. Plus your just so easy going and welcoming anyone could love you." I blushed had never been told something so nice.

"Oh come on you know your perfect." I kept complimenting making us both laugh. As Vicente entered holding our milkshakes. Ovidio told him he wanted something sweet and I begged for him to make me one too.

"Here" He said and we both took them saying thank you to him.

"Thanks" Ovidio gave him a kiss on the cheek making him smile as he went back for his own drink.

"Do you wanna watch something?" I asked turning on mine and Vicente's very small TV.

"Yeah sure" He hummed as I put on a Netflix series.

"Do you like this it's anime?" I asked him, it was a slice of life. More normal and cute.

"Maybe" He said with a shrug and a smile. "What's it about?" He asked

"Just a weird pink haired kid with powers." He hummed as I started the show. We watched it once Vicente came in with his milkshake and some cookies. He sat on the bed with us making it dip. Me and Ovidio bouncing a bit.

"Oh I like this one, Esterio's always watching it." Vicente said, as Ovidio scooted to him. The two cuddled as I sat in the corner of my bed. Gosh I hate how lovey dovey they are. It makes me miss Anselmo and how he'd look at me shyly as they'd be all gross and in love. We both laugh or pretend to be super grossed out by gagging. I needed Anselmo right now he gives me company while these two make out and be gross.


pov Isabel,

I got home awkwardly at dinner time. I was a little bit slurred from taking shots with Lindsey and smoking weed. And I knew my parents would scold me, I just hoped because Vicente's here they'll do it later. I didn't feel like yelling and arguing tipsy in front of that judgmental little fucker. He's already reminds me how bad of a mom I am. I felt like throwing up just remembering the two I left to go back to school. And well my normal life with no kids or responsibilities and commitments. No fear of motherhood and starting a family with Victtor.

I walked in quietly, if I had gone throw my window this would've worked better. I tippy toed to the hall separat from the dinner where dinner chatter went on. I almost thought I made it once the hall restroom opened.

"Oh shit your like drunk?" Orion laughed at me loudly.

"Shut the fuc-" He cut me off laughing and going to the dinning room. "Fuck" I cursed.

"Isabel is here she's high." He told the table taking a seat. Immediately my mom stood becoming angry.

"Isabella De Luna Bianca Benavides!" She yelled stomping into the hall. "Get to this dinner table now or so help me god" She cursed at me making my stomp my foot like a toddler.

"Mama!" I whined quietly "please this is embarrassing, I'll talk to you when Ovidio's boyfriend leaves."

"Now young lady, you better march to that table." She scolded me making me sigh, as I obeyed. My father sat at the table shaking his head.

"Where were you?" He asked me with a sigh as he rubbed his forehead. Ovidio looked at his food with Vicente sitting awkwardly. Orion smirked a bit amused and Isaiah seemed annoyed.

"N-nowhere just with Lindsey and the girls." I said. My mom got me a plate shaking her head. Then bring me a plate to eat with a water bottle.


pov Ovidio,

Isabel just had to make the whole dinner awkward. Me and Vicente went to my room. I immediately climbed into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. As he held me tightly kissing and biting my lips slowly.

"Vicente" I whined making him look to me.

"Yeah baby" He nodded

"Let's go to the bed." I said kissing his nose. He blushed doing so as he sat me on the bed. He pushed me on the bed with his chest as I held his face kissing his lips again. He kissed my neck, holding my waist. Making out like this felt so much more comfortable then in the damn car. I chuckled to myself. He seemed to be leaving his marks and bites over my collar. Making me gasp and whimper. Tomorrow I had to cheer with the team. I have to wear a shirt under that's thin and covers all my collar now. You could get kick off the team for looking scandalous like that. Don't have hickey's, bruises, tattoos or wear your cheer outfit too slutty are the main dress codes.
They want everyone to look like pure angelic omegas. I know it's kinda old fashion but I didn't mind the rules since usually I didn't do that. But now I had to hide all Vicente's love marks.


pov Vicente,

I gave Ovidio my jacket to wear as he fake whined cold. Since we didn't want his parents to see his hickeys. I just had too give him kisses everywhere I couldn't help it. I kissed him at his door not wanting to make him have to walk me. We hugged a bit outside the door. He just wanted to cuddled to my chest a bit like the clingy omega he is. So I smiled small kissing his head and rubbing his back till we had to say bye. We kissed once more I then walked to my car. Waving as I climbed in he did the same blowing me a kiss. I blushed chuckling a bit stupidly. He went inside so I left daydreaming about him as I drove back. Tomorrow was a church day so we couldn't see each other. But Monday I want to go on a date or something. Just us two. Not my cousin and Anselmo too. Or the annoying cheer team. Just me and my baby.

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