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pov Vicente,

I know I can't let my guard down with Ovidio. Like I said he's probably just as fucked as his sister. But my mom letting me take the car. Then seeing him twice like this. God just wants me to give a ride home so I could fuck in the back seat. Right now we're playing with Aurelio as Victtorio showed Deonisio Victtoria's toys and stuff. Ovidio was really in love with the babies. I guess he's not like his family in that way. But like that's probably the only way, he's probably a rude slut. I put my arm around him as he put Elmo on his phone for Aurelio. He got tense at first with a blush but eased into it looking at me with a cute little giggle. He then focused on Aurelio again sitting back in his lap with a bottle.

"He kinda looks like Esteban huh?" I asked Anselmo who was chatting a little too much with my cousin.

"For real but with Deonisio's cuteness" I nodded, I mean he didn't look to much like him just enough that you could tell he's the daddy. He had darker skin like Deon tho, Esteban's pretty pal.

"Who Esteban?" My cousin asked

"He's Mister Quinteros son" Ovidio said thinking that would explain it too my cousin. Mister Quinteros is the owner of a bunch of strip clubs and bars he's pretty popular in our town. Meaning he sells drugs and is a pimp. Esteban was neither but still pretty much a scumbag.

"You don't know him he's a dick." I explained looking down at Ovidio's lap to Deonisio's son. I just don't understand how this adorable thing is Esteban's. I always assumed Quinteros babies came out smoking a cigar and cussing like a sailor. Or where bald with evil eyes. Aurelio had pretty hair like his mom, dark skin like his mom, soft features like his mom. But something about his eyes, maybe the nose too was all Esteban. It made him look handsome, he'll probably be an alpha one day.


pov Deonisio,

Victtoria just clinged to me so adorably, I was starting to think about having another baby. I mean I need a daughter right, look how adorable I'd be with one. I thought but knew it wasn't something I should actually do. I'm not in a stable relationship. I'm not with Esteban currently. I know he wants too I just can't. I don't think we'll last long in a relationship. Everything is so well between us too, he comes over when ever just to be with us. And we hardly fight now.

"She really likes you" Victtorio said as he finished showing me her adorable closet. He gave her the whole closet. Taking the one in the hall and some draws. It was adorable honestly, he's just a really caring father.

"I know I love it, she makes me want another baby." I pouted as my alpha friend blushed nodding.

"Aurelio makes me want a boy, I know Victtoria's still just a baby. But I wouldn't mind having another, not that me and Isa are together." He chuckled a bit

"You guys aren't?" I asked

"Nah we well we you know made her on accident. But I really thought we'd both be there, I mean she said she was scared you know. She said maybe she'd make a bad mom. But like I don't I thought we'd be able to do it.. together." I couldn't believe that Isabel would do that. To her baby girl! I just wanted to hold the baby who looked lost by our sudden mood switch tight. I wish I was her mother, I'd take her home with me Aurelio and get us matching outfits. And her and Aurelio matching outfits.

"That that sucks, I don't know if it's much but I'll always be here for you guys. Victtoria's like my own I love her so much." I gushed over the baby I just met. "Just let me know, I'll do anything for my girlie"

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