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Nico's POV

I slamed the door in Jason's face and walked over to cuddle with Will more. "Those fucking idiots" I said pretty annoyed. "I just want to hang out with you and I get accused of doing things." 

I laid down and Will put his head on my chest. "It's okay, they're just ass-holes." Will said "At least I've got my own personal ass-hole." I said and Will looked up at me with a what-the-fuck-did-you-just-say look.

"That's mean" Will said in a little kids voice. "I'm sorry" I said "Well maybe you can make it up to me." Will said in a low tone. "And how would you like me to repay you?" I asked very turned on.

"Well maybe we could start with this" Will said as he crashed his lips with mine. I leaned into the kiss and Will kinda smiled.

He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. He stuck his tounge inside my mouth and fought with my tounge. Eventually we pulled away.

At that moment Jason & Percy burt through the door and Percy screamed "I told you if we waited we would catch them!" Jason then picked up Will and flew off with him.

"WHAT THE FUCK JACKSON! Give me my boyfriend back!" I yelled at him. "No, until you can keep your hands off each other, you won't see each other." Percy said like he was an adult.

"I will tell Chiron you ABDUCTED my boyfriend." I threatened "I will tell Chiron you were making out with your boyfriend." Percy said in the same way.

"So what? We weren't really doing anything." I said "You will not touch him for a month, do you understand?" Percy said and I wanted to punch him. So I did "You will bring me back my boyfriend in the next 10 seconds or I will send your sorry little ass down to the underworld." I told Percy while he was holding his bloody nose.

Percy took a walkie-talkie (monster proof thanks to the hephestus kids) out of his back pocket and said "Bring him back Jason, NOW!" 

I was proud of myself until I realized all of the blood gushing from Percy's nose. I looked at Percy and then my hand and saw the blood on it. I felt my face drop and started to back up into the corner.

"I-I-I d-did that t-to you" I said stumbling over my words. I reached the corner and slid down it crying. I was trying to breathe but the air was dissappering. Everything was starting to become muted, but I faintly herad Percy say "Jason, I need Will here, NOW!"

I put my hands over my ears and muttered to myself "I-I h-hurt you, I h-hurt y-you"  I started to hypervenalate and Percy came down and sat infront of me. When he heard what I was saying he quickly said "No, it's fine, I've been hurt worse."

It just so happened in moment Jason and Will burt throught the door. I saw Jason and Will's face go from one of slight annoyance to one of concern. "Nico! What's wrong, what happened? Whay is your nose bleeding, Percy?"

When he said that I started to cry harder and I made a dagger of shadows apper. I grabed it and was about to stick it straight into my leg when Will put his hand on top of mine and pried the dagger from my hand.

"Nico, stop, you don't want to do this." Will said and I could hear him, but I was still crying and could barely breathe. "I hurt him, I'm a monster, I only bring pain." I said no louder than a whisper. That was when it clicked in Will's head.

"You punched Percy? Great throw, but no you aren't a monster, you don't bring pain with you. You are amazing, and have so much more to live for." Will said and I could hear what he was saying, it was louder then a whisper. I could breathe again, and the tears were coming to a stop in my eyes.

"Thank you" I said quietly and gave Will a hug. "I'm really sorry, Perce, I didn't mean to punch you that hard, but you can't just tell me to not see my boyfriend for a month."

"You- wait what did he tell you to do?" Will said "Oh- umm... yeah... about that... I should really be going." Percy stammered and Jason followed him out the door.

"I wont leave you alone, ever" I said to Will "Next time Percy and Jason come over just wait like 5 minutes untill you do anything."

"Me?" Will asked "Yes you, and you stupid repayment." I argued back "Well if you didn't call me and ass hole this might have been avoided." Will tried to say in his defence. 

"Wait, if they didn't come into the cabin in the first place, this wouldn't have happened." I said "Yeah it was there fault." We aggred to blame it on Percy and Jason.

"What did Jason do after he took off with you?" I asked. "Oh well, and I quote he said 'If you take Nico's virginity before 18 I will make sure your death is long and painful. And if you hurt him in any way Percy and I will hunt you down to tartarus and make sure you get eternal suffering.' So nothing to big.

"Those fucking ass-holes"

"Lets not consdiering the fact you said ass-hole in the first place started this."

"Hey Mr don't you dare you said 'It's okay they're just ass-holes' so I said 'I've got my own ass-hole' but you said it first."

"All of this ass-hole talk makes me want to do something to your ass-hole." Will said in a low voice. My face turned red "What if they are outside? And did Jason not just say if you take my virginity before I'm 18 he will murder you?"

"You think I'm scared? Baby, I could fuck you all day." Will said very sexy. "If you say anything along those lines again I'm going to get a boner and you will have to watch me jerk off while tied up." I threatened, and Will didn't say anthing else the rest of the day.

That was until after the camp fire when we were walking to my cabin.

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