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Nico's POV

"Stop it" I said then kept taking off more bracelets. There were some newer cuts and some older ones but they were all visible. "Will, why?" I said.

"You don't understand how much I get what your going through. If I coud have just kept them alive. It's my fault there gone. If was actually a good healer then they might still be here."

"Will it wasn't your fault. My dad just decided it was their time." I said and got on Will's lap. I gave him a hug. I looked up and he looked really sad. I let go and pushed him against the wall. I grabed the back of his head and pushed my lip against his. 

We broke of for air but it wasn't long. We switched positions so then I was up against the wall. Will pinned my arms on the wall and pulled the colar of my shirt over. He put him mouth near my colar bone and started to suck on it leaving a hickey. I accidentally moaned and he just sucked harder.

I wen't to grab his hair but he kept my arms on the wall. He finally let go. Low and behold there was a bruse near my colar bone. "I don't think any different of you. That was brave. Not even I could do that." I said.

"Thank you" Will said and then went back to put kisses on my neck. He went up to the sweet spot behind my ear and started to suck on it. I let out another involuntary moan. 

He let go and went back up to my mouth. He started to suck my tounge and then he slipped his hand up my shirt. That made me jump a bit. He started to take his hand away "No" I said.

We heard a knock on the door and I went to open it. Jason was standing there. "Hey Nico are you okay? I saw Will run over to the infirmary and back."

"Yeah i'm fine, but Will you what?" I turned around and looked at Will. He looked at me then glimsed at the night stand and then back at me.

There was a empty syringe on it. He must have used it to wake me up.

"Yeah, Jason, it was just a nightmare, but i'm fine."

"Okay i'll update the others cause they were worried too."

"Thanks Grace" I said then closed the door. 

I turned around to find Will siting down on my bed with his shirt off. I saw his perfect abs and tna skin. I felt the blood rush to my checks. 

"What was it we were doing? I think I need a refresher." Will said and walked over to me. He put his hand under my shirt and grabed onto the side. I lifted my arms and he took the whole thing off.

He walked me over to the wall and pinned me against it. He kissed my neck and then said "Was it this," then he trailed up to behind my ear "or this?" He went back over to my neckand started to suck on it again and I moaned. 

He brought his head away from my neck and kissed me. I opened my mouth and our tounges started to dance.

We just did that for an hour until the lunch horn got blown. I got dressed and Will did too. We went out to the dinning paviloin and we sat at our asigned tables.

This time I finally got a quiet lunch. It was nice while it lasted. After lunch Percy & Jason pulled Nico aside and said "Were having a sleepover with Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Piper, and Annabeth in the Posiden cabin. We were wondering if you and Will wanted to come."

I looked at Percy and Jason and said "You know what why not. I'm having a good day, but one slip up and it wont happen again."

"We will make sure nothing happens. Now go tell Will. Bye, bye, Neeks."

I walked over to Will and I explained what I just signed us up to do. I gave him a hug and we wen't over to our cabins. I packed my bag and he packed his. 

~~~~~~Time skip after dinner and the campfire~~~~~~

We were all sitting around in a circle wearing our pajamas. Out of no where Percy said "Let's play Truth or Dare." Everyone else seemed to be up to it.

"Who want's to go first?" Jason asked

"I will" Frank said

"Hazel truth or dare"

"Umm... I'll go dare"

"I dare you to tell everyone the biggest secret your keeping." Frank replied

"Frank, I cant do that. It's an invasion of privacy."

"Well you picked dare so you have to do it."

Hazel looked at me and Will and me again. The biggest secret she's keeping is me and Will.

"Hey look if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to ok?" I said.

"Nico why are you so concerened about someone elses secret?" Percy asked

"What if it isn't someone elses secret?" Jason replied "Hazel who does this secret belong to at least?"

"Oh... ummm... it belongs too... well... Will & Nico." Hazel kinda muttered out.

"Ok now you have to tell us Hazel" Percy said

"No she doesn't Jackson" I said glaring daggers at him.

"Sorry but I have to know this. Also if she didn't want to she should have picked truth." 

"If anyone is going to say it, it would be me or Will" I said

"Ok so Will what is this secret?" Jason asked.

"JASON ALEXANDER GRACE how dare you." I yelled

"What, this story is intriguing, I have to know more."

Will open his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "WILLIAM ANDREW SOLACE that secret is as much yours as it is mine. You would be telling them my secret too. I swear to the gods if another word gets said about it I will personally save you all a spot in the fields of punishment."

"But death-boy, they have a right to know. Nico and I are..."

"Dont you dare finish that sentance."

"...we are dating."

"Ok so I am officialy never talking to you again. Goodbye." I was about to shadow travel away but Jason was quicker and grabed my arm.

"Nico what's wrong?" There were tears starting to come to my eyes "Please just get it over with." I said.

"Get what over with?" Jason asked

"Calling me a fag and a worthless little bitch. It's nothing new."

"Oh Nico, we would never. Your our friend. We don't care weather your gay. Or Bi or whatever you are." Percy said.

I know Jason knew I was gay thanks to cupid but I wasn't quite ready for the others to know. 

"Why would we call you that?" Annabeth said. 

"It was what my 'friends' would call the gay kids when I was younger. You would see gay people getting beat up in an ally at night. It was scary and I was young. Gay people would be put into insane assylums like being gay was a sickness that needed to be cured." At this point I was crying.

Will came over and gave me a hug "Nico, it's alright."

The rest of the night we played games. I sat in Will's lap the rest of the night and Jason, Piper, and Percy were completely fangirling the whole time.

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