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Nico's POV

"What happened?" Percy said, "Yeah Neeks we were worried about you." Jason finished.

"It was too much." I said "Everything all happened too fast in such a little amount of time. It hurt ok? It hurt a lot and it was so hard. My head hurt, my eyes hurt, my bones hurt, everything hurt."

"Oh Neeks" Annabeth said "You know were here if you need us right?"

"I know it just was a lot and I wasn't ready for Will to know let alone anyone else." 

"Will?" Jason and Percy said simultaneously "Wait Will knew before us?" Percy said. "How did Will find out?" Jason asked.

"Well it was when I was looking over Nico in the infirmary. I was giving his stitched the first time and I saw the slits on his wrist." Will said.

"First time?" Jason asked "You mean he needed them again? Can I see Neeks."

My eyes got wide as I brought my hands into my chest. "No, no, no, no, no" I started muttering to myself. Will touched my shoulder which just made me flinch and I shadow-traveled to cabin 13.

I went to grab my key to open the medicine cabinet but then I realized nothing would be there. So I just sat in the corner of my cabin crying with my nails dug into my hands trying to break the skin. 

That was until I heard the  door get broken open and all of my friends flooded into my cabin. Will ran over to the corner I was in and sat down next to me.

"Stop doing that" he said in an extremly calm tone. "It hurts" I managed to wimper out. "Then hold onto me it will stop the pain." 

I put my arms around Will and grabed onto his shirt. "The pain never stops" I whispered. I started to cry into his shirt not caring if my friends saw me holding onto Will.

Jason's POV

Nico's eyes got wide and he brought his hands into his chest. "No, no, no, no, no" he started muttering. Will touched his shoulder which just made him flinch and then he shadow-traveled.

We all started to run down to cabin to 13 hoping that Nico would  be there instead of back to the underworld.

The door was locked so I pushed it open and we all ran into the cabin. Will ran over to the corner Nico was in and sat down next to him.

"Stop doing that" he said in an extremly calm tone. "It hurts" Nico wimper. "Then hold onto me it will stop the pain."

He put his arms around Will and grabed onto his shirt. "The pain never stops" I heard him say. Then he started to cry into Will's shirt.

We were all kinda just standing there because we didn't know what to do.

Nico looked up at Will then at all of us. "I'm sorry" he said. "For what?" I asked "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"I over-reacted. I just didn't know what to do." 

"I should have thought about how it would make you feel."

Nico got up from Will and walked over and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry" he said. 

"You shouldn't put so much presure on yourself. Sometimes it isn't your fault, ok? So i'm sorry."

Everyone came around it was just this big, weird multi-person hug.

"I can't breath" Nico piped up. Everyone let go. "Nico we will always be here if you needs us." Reyna reassured.

"Ok now that that is sorted out, evryone out. I want to talk to Nico." Will demanded. 

Will's POV

Everyone came around Nico and Jason. It was just this big, weird multi-person hug.

"I can't breath" Nico piped up. Everyone let go. "Nico we will always be here if you needs us." Reyna reassured.

"Ok now that that is sorted out, evryone out. I want to talk to Nico." I stated. 

Everyone left and then I sat down on Nico's bed and he sat next to me. "You wanna know what happened?" Nico asked.

"No, I just wanna know why it triggered you. You were fine when we wen't over there but when Jason wanted to see your stitches that got you upset. I wanna know why."

"It's just i've been outed so many times. I finally found friends and I don't want to mess it up, but it just like my mind keeps telling me they wont like me because i'm different."

"So because you thought they wouldn't like you and you wouldn't be accepted because your different? Death-boy, it's ok, no one is going to think any less of you." I tried to make Nico feel better.

"You don't know that. I got excluded and treated diffrently just because i'm a son of Hades. Now there is a reason to be treated differently. Who says someone won't?"

"I do, i'll be here ok?"

"Ok, thank you tessoro, Ti amo."

"What do you wanna do now?" Nico asked.

"I wanna cuddle what about you?"

"Yes please" Nico said then laid down on top of me. 

~~~~~Time skip to the next morning~~~~~

I woke up to find Nico shaking on top of me. He was crying again so I got up and started to shake him. He wouldn't get up. I ran over to the infirmary and got a syringe to wake him up.

I ran back over to the Hades cabin and went over to Nico. I stuck it in his arm. He shot up and was hypervenilating. He put his hand over and pulled open the night stand drawer. He pulled out a razor blade. 

He was about to push it down on his wrist. That was until I took it from him and ran into the bathroom. "No, stop! I need it!" Nico screamed. He got up and tried to follow me.

I got there before him and locked the door. I flushed the blade and I heard Nico start crying. I opened the door to find him in the corner grabing his hands again and crying. 

"Stop doing that" I said. "You need to stop trying to hurt yourself. It's not good."

"You think I don't know that." Nico said as he looked up at me. His eyes were filled with rage and tears. "It's how I get it to stop. You wouldn't get it."

"You wanna bet? You didn't know me last year. Things happen. You can get over it."

"What? Will." Nico said symtheticly "Give me your wrist." I obeyed. He started to run his fingers over my bare wrist. I knew he could feel them. He looked at my other wrist which had about 6 bracelets on it. He looked back up at me then took off one of the bracelets. I tried to pull my hand away but he was holding on pretty tight.

"Stop it" Nico said then kept taking off more bracelets. There were some newer cuts and some older ones but they were all visible. "Will, why?" Nico said.

"You don't understand how much I get what your going through. If I coud have just kept them alive. It's my fault there gone. If was actually a good healer then they might still be here." 

"Will it wasn't your fault. My dad just decided it was their time." Nico said and got on my lap.

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