The son of Apollo

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Will's POV

I decided I was going to confront him at luch. It had been 5 days ago when he got back to camp but still he has yet to come to the infirmary.

When I got there I saw Nico sitting at his table. I was about to get up but then I saw Percy and Jason walk over and sit down next to him. So I decided to wait. 

It had been about 10 minutes since I saw Jason and Percy go and sit with Nico. I turned around to see Percy and Jason starting to get up and then they walked away talking like girls about gossip. I saw Nico about to get up and follow them.

I walked over (More like speed walked over not quite running but I didn't just walk) and grabed Nico's fore-arm. He looked back at me but I was on a roll and kinda just blurted out.

"It has been 5 days since you got back. 5 days But yet I haven't seen you in the infirmary at all. Come on. You owe me 3 days in the infirmary were going now."

I didn't quite know where that came from but I didn't care I just started to drag the adorable son of Hades down to the infirmary.

I opened the door waiting for him to walk in but, he kinda just stood there looking at the floor I could tell I had a confused look on my face. I was about to ask him if he was okay. Then he looked up at me and I could see the slight redness in his checks. 

He then started to walk in further but stopped and I caught up to him. I was wondering why he was just standing there then I realized I had to show him where to go.

It was my turn to go bright red. I led him to one of the back room's and told him to sit on the bed. I went over to the counter and grabed my bag. Slowly opening my bag I said.

"Nico could you take off you jacket for me?"

He looked at the floor and I herd him mumble something but I couldn't hear what is was. He still had his jacket on so I said.

"Are you going to take your jacket off or am I going to have to do it for you?"

He then turned bright red and I did to but not quite as much as him. He begrudgingly took off his jacket and I knew I looked like an idiot with my mouth hung open and my eyes that wide. There were these very large gashes along Nico's arm that were very poorly sititched.

I immediately grabbed Nico's arm and examined it. He looked away ashamed. Then I said.

"How in tartarus did you get these!?!"

I realized I said it louder then I ment to but oh well it was to late. Nico just turned to look at me and said.

I know I looked at him crazy but he deserved it. How could have stayed out of the infirmary this long?

"I got them when fighting the werewolf king Lycaon."

I asked in a calmer tone "How could you have not come over in the 5 days you got back? I need to restitch these. They were done very poorly and could get infected."

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