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"For the love of God, you're all warriors please put it back in place,"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

A clamour outside the stables shattered the quiet sanctuary we had briefly claimed. With fast movements, Finan and I scrambled to get dressed. Finan and I exchanged hurried glances, our breaths ragged, our bodies still warm.

As the stable doors swung open, revealing Uhtred's imposing figure, I shot up from the floor, my pulse quickening at the sudden intrusion. His gaze flickered between Finan and me, a silent acknowledgement of the scene he had stumbled upon. 

I offered a feeble smile, my fingers instinctively tugging at stray strands of hair, desperate to appear composed, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"I'll grab Sihtric, and we'll meet you outside," I blurted out, the words tumbling from my lips in a rush as I hastened to leave the awkwardness behind, leaving Finan to face the lingering stares.

In the alehouse, Sihtric's smirk greeted me, but I paid it no mind, seizing his arm and dragging him back outside to join Finan and Uhtred.

Releasing my grip on Sihtric's arm, I offered them all a coy smile as Uhtred began to speak, the gravity of his words casting a sombre shadow over our conversation. As he revealed the news of Brida's death, I instinctively placed a hand on his shoulder.

Uhtred's voice broke through the silence, urging us to return to Rumcofa with him, promising a semblance of peace amidst the chaos. I glanced at Finan, his gaze already fixed on mine, his unspoken reservations echoing my own.

"Rumcofa won't be the same," Finan's words resonated with a quiet certainty. 

"I agree with Finan, Osferth will not want to remain in a place like that after everything he's been through," I added, the weight of my words underscoring the depth of our collective uncertainty.

The tension crackled in the air, tangible and stifling, as Uhtred absorbed our responses with a measured silence. "Perhaps we can speak on this a bit later," I suggested tentatively, with a terse nod, Uhtred turned away.

── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ──

Father Benedict informed Edward about his niece's kidnapping, but Edward hesitated to take action. Aelswith hoped Uhtred could be persuaded to assist, but he initially declined, prioritizing his family's safety. 

However, when Father Benedict revealed that Aelfwynn, Aethelhelm, and Aelfweard were at Bebbanburg, the situation took a turn.

"I must go to her," I insisted, feeling the urgency prickling within me, though Finan's frustration simmered palpably. "You cannot," he objected firmly, his tone tinged with concern. "Aethelflaed entrusted me with her protection I have to," I argued, my resolve unyielding.

"You cannot go alone, and Uhtred has expressly forbidden me from accompanying you," Finan countered, his brow furrowing with worry. "You're my husband, not my owner," I retorted, a hint of defiance in my voice, though I sensed his exasperation. 

"When you married me, you knew the woman I was, surely you don't regret it now," I challenged, the words hanging in the air as he exhaled deeply, struggling to maintain composure.

Unbeknownst to us Pyrlig counselled Uhtred that this may be God's intention, and Uhtred, seizing upon this revelation, devised a plan to journey to Bebbanburg.

"We're heading to Bebbanburg," Uhtred announced, bursting through the door of the room Finan and I were in, I glanced at Finan and smirked satisfied as he rolled his eyes following after Uhtred.

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