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"You're really laying it on thick, aren't you?"

"Just admiring the view."

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

As we ventured onward towards Mercia, Finan couldn't seem to resist throwing me flirty glances. His playful eyes danced with mischief, hinting at secrets shared and unspoken promises.

The rest of the group, keen observers as they were, couldn't help but pick up on the subtle shift in our dynamic. Their knowing glances and suppressed smiles spoke volumes, betraying their awareness of the unspoken connection brewing between Finan and me. Yet, despite their curiosity, they maintained a respectful silence, perhaps recognizing the delicacy.

"Stop eyeing each other like that it's distracting," Sihtric finally quipped, breaking the tension with a hint of amusement in his voice. His words, though light-hearted, carried a hint of acknowledgement, acknowledging the chemistry that crackled between Finan and me.

The echoing sound of approaching horses and men abruptly shattered the tranquillity of our travels. Reacting swiftly, I drew my sword, wincing as I applied pressure to the wound on my leg to quell the sharp pain provoked by the sudden movement.

Dismounting from my horse, I nearly stumbled, struggling to regain my footing. Sihtric's assistance steadied me, for which I silently expressed gratitude.

"Uhtred, far from home," Haestan's voice greeted us, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the predictable encounter. Tuning out his ensuing chatter, I fought the urge to scoff as he extended an invitation to join him and his men.

"Once, I aspired to conquer Mercia and Wessex for myself, but now all I desire is a woman to bed and land to claim," Haestan remarked, prompting an involuntary groan from me. The crude discourse of men regarding women in this era never failed to evoke exasperation.

Haestan's attention shifted to me upon hearing my groan. "Ah, Uhtred's fierce female warrior," he taunted, to which I retorted, "I have a name," under my breath, met with a feeble laugh from him. "Do you object to my pursuit of a woman and land?" he prodded further.

Suppressing a laugh, I met his gaze squarely. "I pity any woman who's ever had to be under you," I spat, eliciting a grunt from him. "She's spirited, this one," he remarked to his men, who chuckled in agreement, evidently pleased with their banter.

However, Haestan's next remark provoked Uhtred's wrath, leading to a confrontation wherein he likened Aethelfled to a squealing pig. Only upon divulging Cnut's involvement in his brother's death did Uhtred spare him.

"Tie the boys up," Uhtred commanded as one of Cnut's sons attempted to escape while the other attacked Finan.

I moved to assist Finan and Sihtric in restraining the resisting youths, enduring a sharp pain as one elbowed me in the stomach, reopening my wound and staining my clothes with blood.

I made a conscious effort to conceal the sensation of pain coursing through me, the crimson splatter staining my clothes serving as a grim reminder. Despite the agony gnawing at my insides, I resolved to press forward, unwilling to burden the group with any further delays.

Our next destination was Aeglesburg, upon arrival, I dismounted clumsily, prompting Finan's immediate concern. As he helped me to a secluded area, I explained how one of Cnut's sons had injured me, though I had chosen not to burden the group with my ailment. 

With careful precision, he gingerly lifted my top, exposing the wound, while deftly tearing a piece of cloth with his teeth. His hands worked skillfully, knotting the fabric around my waist to apply pressure, his fingers inadvertently brushing against the tattoo adorning my ribs.

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