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"Keep your filthy hands off her!"

"You are impressive... and extremely flexible,"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

We had narrowly evaded Lord Eardwulf and his men, skirting perilously close to capture. Now, there was cause for celebration. The news that Uhtred had accepted the offer to become the new king of Mercia filled the air with a newfound sense of hope. For once in my tumultuous life, I dared to imagine a place I could call home within these lands.

"Here's to Uhtred," I declared, lifting my cup amidst a chorus of clinks as others joined in, their voices ringing out in unison "And to Osferth, for not killing Aelfwynn," Finan chimed in.

As swiftly as our revelry had begun, it came to an abrupt halt with the revelation that Uhtred had relinquished his claim in favour of Aethelflaed. An undercurrent of disappointment swept through me at the thought of Uhtred's sacrifice, a nagging sense that he deserved the power and respect just as much as any other.

However, the unease that had gripped me dissipated as swiftly as it had come. Learning that one of my dearest friends had finally achieved something she had longed for brought a sense of contentment that washed over me. If anyone else deserved the title, it was her.

"I know you believe we've lost out on wealth and power," Uhtred began returning to the celebratory table, his voice steady and earnest "But we have something far more valuable."

"Do not say our friendship" Finan interjected, his tone filled with playful exasperation, eliciting laughter from around the table. In that moment, any lingering reservations and disappointments melted away.

── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ──

We now found ourselves in Tacham, tasked with setting up camp for Lady Aelswith, who promised prayers of thanks on our behalf upon her arrival in Bedwyn. As we tended to the fire, I couldn't help but vent my frustrations to Finan.

"If I have to endure her prattle much longer, I'll fling myself off a cliff," I muttered, nodding towards Aelswith, who stood nearby, her back turned to us. Finan chuckled in response, prompting me to recount my past grievances with the lady.

"She branded me a witch upon learning of my history thanks to Uhtred," I explained, though Finan's amusement only deepened, earning him a playful shove from me. "It's not funny," I insisted, though the shared moment brought a fleeting smile to my lips.

Our banter was abruptly cut short by the rustling of nearby foliage, sending us into a tense alertness. Before I could draw my sword, a knife pressed against my neck as a body enveloped me from behind, and a familiar, gruff voice pierced the air.

"Uhtred and his pretty boys," Haestan chided and I sighed, rolling my eyes as I caught sight of Aelswith positioning herself protectively with Stiorra and Aethelstan. 

Haesten delivered news of Sigtryggr's arrival from Irland, his intentions to rally the Danes, and the capture of Winchester by Brida and him where Haesten planned to take Aelswith, Aethelstan, and Stiorra. 

"Tie them to the trees where they can die slowly," Haesten's voice dripped with malice as his men obediently set about binding Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, Osferth, and Pyrlig to the sturdy trunks that surrounded us.

I fought against the brute behind me, his grip like iron as he pinned my arms painfully behind my back "And what of her?" his voice slithered in my ear, laden with contempt as he gestured toward me with a sneer.

Haesten turned, a twisted grin etched across his face as he regarded me. "Ah, female warrior," he jeered, his words laced with mockery.

"Shall we take her as well?" he goaded his men with his vile suggestions. "Shall we leave her to rot alongside the men, or perhaps," he paused, his tone dripping with lechery, "shall I have my way with her, right here, with all of you as witnesses?" The air was thick with the raucous cheers of his cohorts.

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