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"Are you sure about this?"

 "If you stop now, I'll never let you touch me again,"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

The challenge of being barred from Winchester's gates was unprecedented for us, in the past, we'd do anything to not have to return to this place but this time we found ourselves itching to get in. 

Despite relentless warnings, Edward persisted in making rash decisions until Uhtred's self-sacrifice became the only viable option.

True to his character, Uhtred's plan unfolded successfully, fostering understanding among Sigtryggr, Edward, and Aethelflaed, albeit at the cost of Stiorra. This left me alone with her, contemplating her resolve.

"Are you certain about going with him willingly?" I inquired, sensing her frustration as she affirmed, "I've told my father that Coccham holds nothing for me."

"You will have us," I said, I wasn't trying to sway her decision but I needed her to know it wasn't her only option "I am following where the gods are leading me, I wish to live amongst my mother's people" she continued.

"You know you look exactly like her," I said and she smiled warmly at me as I brushed her hair out of her face. 

"I won't stand in the way of your decision, I simply want to ensure it's entirely your own," I emphasized, gently holding her in a comforting embrace.

"Might I add that he is quite a fine man" I added, raising my eyebrows playfully as she blushed in my arms. "Take care, my love," I murmured, reluctantly pulling away and stepping outside where Uhtred and Edward were deep in conversation.

I let them finish their conversation and watched as Edward called Aethelstan over nudging him towards Uhtred before leaving himself shortly after.

"Do not tell me you've adopted another child?" I said as Uhtred shrugged, the boy looked up at me and my features softened at his adorable face. 

"I'd like to believe we have equally agreed to raise him" he said and I rolled my eyes kneeling so I was at eye level with the boy. "We are going to have a whole lot of fun annoying Finan" I said to which he giggled in response.

With farewells exchanged, Stiorra departed with Sigtryggr for Eoferwic, young Uhtred returned to the church, and the rest of us departed Winchester for Coccham.

"Why won't you ever tell us about the future?" Sihtric inquired, gently pulling the reins on his horse to ride alongside me. The curiosity in his voice drew the attention of Finan, Osferth, and Uhtred, all now invested in our conversation.

"Because," I replied, casting a glance at each of them before continuing. "Imagine if I shared something about the future with you three," I began, and they nodded in understanding "And suppose you altered your actions based on that knowledge," I elaborated, their attention hanging on my words. 

"It could set off a chain reaction, altering significant historical events. I, for one, am not willing to bear that responsibility," I concluded.

Uhtred's expression bordered on amusement as he absorbed my explanation. "You worry too much," Finan chimed in with a smirk, to which I simply shrugged. "Perhaps it's because I'm the only one who knows how this might unfold and, in case you weren't aware, I'm not supposed to be here," I remarked, turning my head slightly as laughter rippled through the group.

"Well, aren't we grateful to have you with us," Finan remarked, his words causing a smile to tug at my lips, particularly as he emphasized the word "grateful."

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