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"So, are we going to sit in peace?"

"You're gonna wish you asked to sit in peace instead"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

Uhtred and Sihtric observed with evident concern as Finan and I approached them. Despite my attempts to project strength and hope, the turmoil within me was palpable, written plain on my face like an open book.

As I dismounted, my countenance mirrored the distress of a wounded animal. Uhtred's voice cut through the heavy air, breaking the silence with a question that hung like a heavy cloud, "Osferth?"

Tears welled up in my eyes, betraying my efforts to maintain composure. Sihtric's urgency matched the gravity of the moment, his words punctuated by the weight of our collective worry, "Where is Osferth?"

Uhtred enveloped me in his embrace pulling me into him as I completely broke down. Finan's voice broke the tension, delivering a sliver of relief, "He's alive."

With those words, Uhtred's grip on me seemed to soften, his body relaxing. Finan continued, his voice laden with the reality of the situation, "He's injured though she managed to stop his bleeding and help him a little but he's fighting to stay alive right now."

My tears flowed unabated as I buried my face deeper into Uhtred's chest. I managed to compose myself enough to speak, albeit shakily, "he came to help me, he got injured because I was struggling to fight."

Sihtric's reassurance cut through the tumultuous thoughts swirling in my mind, "It's not your fault" he said plainly but I shook my head.

Despite his injuries, hope persisted in the face of despair. Uhtred's words carried the weight of conviction, "He's still alive, the gods will favour him."

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I nodded in agreement. Yet, amidst the chaos, a fleeting thought surfaced, "Why don't you people have hospitals?" I muttered the question almost in frustration, a testament to the stark differences in our worlds.

Confusion flickered across the faces of the three men, their focus momentarily diverted from our immediate concern. Uhtred's voice, however, brought us back to the present, his words a reminder of the urgent tasks at hand, "Edward has called off the war, we must inform Sigtryggr."

With a nod of understanding, I mounted my horse once more, determination igniting within me. The road ahead was fraught with uncertainty but united in purpose, we rode forth to face whatever trials awaited us.

As we resumed our journey along the winding roads, the grim tableau that greeted us signalled a realization, we had arrived too late. Siggtryggr's army had already clashed with Aethhelm's, and a gasp escaped my lips as I beheld the chaotic scene, realizing that Aethelstan was also amidst the fray.

"Wait," Finan's urgent call echoed, but my horse surged forward toward the maelstrom of battle. "I can't," I murmured, the urgency propelling me forward, while Uhtred's voice faded into the background as he issued orders to Finan and Sihtric.

"Aethelstan!" I cried out, my voice lost amidst the cacophony of clashing swords and dying men. Amidst the chaos, both Danes and Saxons fought valiantly, their lives entwined in a dance of desperation.

The situation worsened when Edward led a counterattack against the Danish forces. Racing towards Aethelstan, I dispatched a Dane looming over him, his life snuffed out beneath my blade. 

"Where is Aethelhelm?" I demanded, urgency coursing through my veins, realizing that the weasel had likely fled.

As Sigtryggr and Stiorra fell into Edward's custody, Uhtred pleaded for their release. "Stiorra didn't kill a single Saxon man," I interjected, meeting Edward's gaze with defiance. His narrowed eyes spoke volumes, silently urging me to stay out of the unfolding drama. "Do not doubt the truth of my words," I spat, refusing to be silenced.

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