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"I will find him, and I will bring him back,"

"I'll risk everything, even my own life if necessary, he deserves that much,"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

It had been years since the tragic losses of Iseult and Leofric, marking a sombre passage of time since Uhtred and I made our solemn pact amidst the aftermath of the brutal Battle of Ethandun.

Now, our journey had brought us to Eoferwich, following the daring and a little ridiculous rescue of Guthred from the clutches of Kjartan and Sven, Danish warriors who had kept Guthred captive until our intervention.

In the intervening years, Uhtred and I forged an unbreakable bond, assembling a steadfast group around us. Among them was Kjartan's bastard, the latest addition to our ranks. While he showed promise, Halig's lingering distrust of him left me somewhat cautious. Halig, once a loyal retainer of Wulfhere, had chosen to stand by our side, a testament to the strength after the Battle of Ethandun.

Lastly, there was Clapa, a towering figure whose gentle demeanour belied his imposing stature. In him, I found echoes of Leofric's humour and protective spirit, a comforting presence amidst our trials. Together, we navigated the tumultuous currents of fate, bound by loyalty, trust, and the shared weight of our past experiences.

The river water enveloped me in its chilly embrace, yet its temperature failed to register in my senses. I submerged my head, allowing the liquid to saturate my hair completely. 

Nostalgia swept over me as I yearned for the familiar scents of my shampoos and soaps, the squeaky clean feeling that would leave my skin as I cleansed and exfoliated. I sighed, reclining in the water and closing my eyes to bask in the moment.

Abruptly, a voice disrupted my solitude. "You've never told me what those marks mean," it said. Startled, I turned to find Uhtred seated at the water's edge, observing me intently. "Uhtred!" I gasped, splashing water in his direction, but he only chuckled in response.

"Turn around right now," I commanded, and he continued to laugh, teasingly complying. "Where I'm from, it is rude to stare at women when they're naked," I added, smirking.

"That is also a custom here," he teased, finally turning around as I navigated out of the water, reattaching my clothes. I seized the opportunity to sneakily approach him, delivering a playful smack to the back of his head, prompting a groan from him.

Despite outward appearances and the assumptions of others, Uhtred and I maintained a steadfast commitment to our bond, which, though enduring and profound, remained rooted solely in friendship throughout the passing years. 

Even amidst moments of pure inebriation, when the allure of intoxication and the taste of sour ale threatened to blur the lines of propriety, neither Uhtred nor I succumbed to the temptation of physical intimacy. Crossing the threshold into that territory would've surely affected us in ways beyond repair so neither of us ever took the risk.

"I only have three marks, well, tattoos," I explained as we started walking back together, with Uhtred placing his arm lazily around my shoulders. "A small butterfly on my hip that I got with my friend when we first turned 18," I said, tugging at my pants to reveal the delicate creature on my hip bone. 

"I have the word 'grateful' on my ribcage," I continued, pulling up my tunic to expose the tattoo "And this one here is a small crescent moon," I concluded, displaying the final tattoo on my upper arm.

Uhtred traced the crescent moon with his thumb before leaving his finger pressed over it. "Is it common for women to get tattoos there?" he asked, and I nodded, replying, "Very common."

A moment of silence enveloped us as the crowd reappeared, and suddenly, Uhtred seized my arm, compelling me to stop in step with him.

"Go find Sihtric," he instructed firmly, and I rolled my eyes. "What now?" I asked, but the smile faded from my face when I took in his serious expression.

"Uhtred you're worrying me" I quickly said my eyes searching his face for an explanation. "Tell me right now what it is" I demanded grabbing his arm but he shrugged my hand away.

"Something is wrong," he said before running off, his face contorted with worry. I huffed before beginning my search for Sihtric, only to stumble upon Gisela, who wore a panicked expression.

"What is the matter?" I asked, and she panted heavily stumbling over her words. "My brother, he's planning on..." she started, and my frown deepened. "He's going to sell Uhtred as a slave," she said, dragging me towards the commotion.

I watched as Halig and Uhtred beat against the small confinement they were thrown in, without a second thought I confronted Guthred, my sword drawn, demanding an explanation "Tell me what you are doing, or so help me, I will land this sword between your eyes," I threatened.

"Do nothing" Uhtred pleaded with me and I shot him a look.

Guthred nervously explained his need for men, Aelfric's involvement, and insisted it was for the best. The rat had sold out the men who had rescued him so easily, loyalty certainly didn't mean a lot to him. 

Ignoring Uhtred's plea, the cart rolled out, and I struggled against guards as they held me back, calling out Uhtred and Halig's names.

"Guthred do not do this" I warned and he shook his head affirming "It is for the best lady." 

"Do nothing," Uhtred repeated, his voice now laced with a sense of urgency that cut through the chaos surrounding us. Even in the grip of fear, he was adamant in his concern for my safety.

"I'll find you, I swear!" I shouted desperately as the cart lurched forward, carrying him away from me. With a final, harsh shove that sent me sprawling to the ground, I vowed vengeance upon Guthred. "You will pay for this," I seethed, sheathing my sword with determination and storming out of the hall with urgency burning in my veins.

Determined to take action, I sought out Sihtric. "I'm going to Alfred," I declared, met with his questioning gaze "And then what? You're going to search for Uhtred alone?" he challenged. I shook my head fiercely. "I'm going to plead with Alfred to let Ragnar assist me in finding him," I explained, swiftly gathering my belongings.

"You must stay here and keep watch over Guthred, protect Gisela," I instructed, leading us toward the waiting horses.

"I will find him, and I will bring him back," I vowed, pushing my damp hair from my eyes. "I'll risk everything, even my own life if necessary, he deserves that much," I added resolutely as my horse surged forward, carrying me toward the dreaded city of Winchester, where Uhtred's fate awaited.

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

I promise Finan is coming BUT at least we have Sihtric for now 😝 ALSO I just woke up and it's snowing like properly, Ireland hasn't seen snow like this in years (yes I am Irish, only crumb about myself I will reveal though) but I am so so excited 🤭

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I promise Finan is coming BUT at least we have Sihtric for now 😝 ALSO I just woke up and it's snowing like properly, Ireland hasn't seen snow like this in years (yes I am Irish, only crumb about myself I will reveal though) but I am so so excited 🤭

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