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"Who did this to you?"

"He'll pay for what he's done I swear it to you,"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

As we sailed upon the tumultuous waters, Skade's presence aboard our vessel stirred emotions within me. Her very existence seemed to grate against my senses, each moment spent in her company intensifying my aversion to her. 

The urge to rid ourselves of her loomed heavily in my thoughts, though my reluctance towards violence warred with the desire to be rid of her once and for all.

"What are you doing, trying to cast curses upon her?" Finan's voice cut through the tension, his tone laced with curiosity as he settled beside me, he gently grasped my hand, which fiddled with the ring on my finger, grounding me in his presence.

"I simply can't stand her," I confessed wearily, struggling to maintain my balance amidst the rocking of the boat.

"She has a pretty face though" Sihtric mumbled as he sat on the other side of me, his shallow remark earning a sharp rebuke from me "You say that because you only think with your cock" I retorted, casting a disapproving glance in his direction, though Finan's laughter softened the severity of the moment.

"No, I do not," Sihtric protested, his tone indignant, though his jesting demeanour betrayed the sincerity of his defence. 

I shook my head "I've seen the type of whores who keep you company" and he groaned in response "It's not my fault you haven't been humped since the day you got here and seem to be taking it out on us" he said to which I swiftly slapped him around the head.

"Is that true?" Finan asked a smirk evident on his face and I hid my face in my hands "I don't want to talk about this" I said and Sihtric pulled my hands away from my face "You started it" he pointed out and I grumbled.

"I feel a sense of concern," I admitted, my voice tinged with vulnerability "I'm unfamiliar with the customs of this time and it's hard to place my trust in others enough to follow through with... well you know."

"I'm offended really," Finan said and I slapped his chest "You don't trust us?" Sihtric added and I rolled my eyes.

"I do trust you and Uhtred and little baby monk but that doesn't mean I'm going to hump you" I said as Sihtric laughed. I looked at Osferth who had a shy expression and Uhtred was preoccupied unaware of the conversation brewing, Finan on the other hand hid a look of disappointment.

"Well, maybe you should" Finan mumbled and despite catching his words I pretended like I didn't.

Sihtric continued laughing and I slapped the back of his head keeping my hand there "I quite like your short hair" I said running my fingers through it as he grinned at the feeling "It's easier for me to smack you" I added as he rolled his eyes. 

── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ──

We had scarcely settled in Coccham for a few hours when Uhtred's sudden announcement of our return to Winchester stirred a storm of frustration within me. Suppressing the urge to vent my pent-up exasperation, I found myself biting down hard on my bottom lip, a futile attempt to contain my mounting displeasure. 

It seemed as though Uhtred dismissed us, while Skade, with her insidious presence, roamed freely.

Upon our arrival in Winchester, a sense of relief washed over me as I caught sight of Osferth's familiar countenance. "Baby monk!" I exclaimed, my spirits lifting at the sight of his gentle smile. 

His words, delivered with a sense of quiet triumph, confirmed what I had longed to hear, Skade's reign of terror had finally come to an end.

"She's gone?" I echoed, my heart leaping with joy as Osferth nodded in affirmation. "I could kiss you right now, I'm so happy," I confessed, my elation mirrored by Finan's hearty laughter. "She was the devil in disguise" he added. 

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