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"The day you showed up and placed your sword in my hand to confront Sverri, it felt as if an angel had descended just for me. It was like I'd found hope again,"

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Uhtred swiftly reverted to his old ways after the successful rescue of Gisela, culminating in the demise of a menacing priest. With Kjartan defeated and Uhtred's sister Thyra liberated from captivity, she found solace in a quieter life alongside Father Beocca, who seemed to provide her with a form of modern-day therapy.

Uhtred now commanded a steadfast group of followers, including the skilled warrior Finan who stuck by him, the loyal Sihtric who continued proving his worth daily, and the baby monk Osferth, Alfred's bastard who was still settling in and finding his footing. 

True to my promise, I stood by Uhtred's side through thick and thin. 

Surprisingly, the company of this random selection of men proved to be something I relished, each of us fitting together like pieces in a puzzle.

Our journey progressed at a sluggish pace, prompting me to lament, "This would be so much quicker if we had a car," my words muttered under my breath. The mention of 'car' piqued the interest of Finan and Sihtric, their ears tuning in to catch every word.

"Car?" Sihtric echoed slowly, his curiosity evident. I nodded, offering a brief explanation, "It's a vehicle powered by an engine, ten times faster than horseback." Their expressions lit up with amazement at the concept.

"Tell us more," Finan urged, his interest piqued, but I shook my head, relishing the chance to tease them. "No," I replied, knowing it would irk them, a mischievous grin dancing across my lips. "We're almost there anyway," I added, riding alongside Uhtred as the destination drew nearer.

As we rode on, I overheard Finan mutter under his breath, "How would you, of all people, know that?" His scepticism only fueled my amusement, knowing that the mysteries of my knowledge were best left unsaid for the time being.

Alfred's orders directed us to Lundun, a city now under the control of two brothers, Erik and Sigefrid. The mention of Lundun prompted a small gasp to escape me as Alfred spoke its name, and my mind flooded with memories. Uhtred's warning glance snapped me back to the present, and I quickly composed myself, reining in my thoughts.

Frowning, I offered Uhtred an apologetic look, acknowledging his silent caution, as the focus shifted back to our mission at hand. The prospect of returning to the city I once called home stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me, a mix of nostalgia and apprehension.

As we ventured through the town, Finan made a light-hearted comment about the notorious reputation of certain areas "Lord they say this part of town is where women end up in rivers" earning a sharp glare from me in response.

Sihtric added his observation about the vibrant spectacle of the local brothels, prompting a disapproving tut from me. Surrounded by men constantly, I had resigned myself to the reality of their comments.

Aethelred, harbouring a clear distaste for my outspoken opposition to his mistreatment of his wife, couldn't resist hurling a spiteful comment in my direction. "Seems like your female warrior would fit right in those brothels," he jeered.

Unfazed by his jibe, I retorted with a cutting remark of my own. "They may mistake you for the female I'd be more careful if I were you" I quipped, a sly smile playing on my lips, earning laughter from Clapa and Finan as Aethelred scowled in response.

I dismounted my horse, growing more adept at the manoeuvre, and stood by Uhtred's side as we delved deeper into the settlement. Unavoidably, men's eyes lingered on me, making me uneasy. My hand instinctively found the hilt of my sword, but Uhtred's comforting glance reassured me. Finan, sensing my discomfort, moved closer, standing protectively by my side.

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