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"I thought you'd never speak to me again,"

"As if I could ever be so foolish,"

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

As I entered Aethelflaed's chamber, I found her nestled in her bed, surrounded by Uhtred, Aelfwynn, and Aldhelm, her weakened smile greeting me as I crossed the room.

Quickly embracing Aelfwynn, I sought permission to speak with Aethelflaed alone as the others quietly exited the room, leaving us in a solemn intimacy. Taking a seat at her bedside, I clasped her hand tightly, the closing of the door echoing the finality of the moment.

"I'm so sorry," I murmured, sorrow tingeing my voice, to which she gently shook her head. "There's no need," she replied with a calm that belied the gravity of her condition. Tears welled in my eyes as I confessed, "Finan only just informed me a few hours ago," a weighty admission that hung heavy in the air.

"I instructed him not to," she explained, her words carrying the weight of her selflessness. "I couldn't bear the thought of you and Uhtred facing a battle with such a distraction," she continued, revealing a depth of concern that touched me profoundly, stirring a mixture of sadness and regret within me.

"I'm dying that's the truth" she stated matter-of-factly, prompting a fresh wave of tears. "Your strength has always inspired me," I confessed, wiping away stray tears, recalling the transformation she had wrought in a society marred by injustice and violence. 

"From the moment I joined Uhtred, witnessing the injustices inflicted upon women, your unwavering resolve reminded me that it will all change," I expressed, my voice trembling with emotion as tears mirrored in her eyes.

"I need you to promise me that if Aelfwynn ever finds herself in trouble you will help her" she implored, her request a solemn vow that I readily pledged. "I will protect her with my life," I affirmed, rising from my seat to envelop her in a tender embrace.

Grasping my hands tenderly, she traced a delicate finger along the ring from Iseult adorning my finger, a silent gesture of connection and understanding. "I want to give you something," she murmured, her voice carrying a weight of sincerity as she reached for a small object nestled within the nearby chest.

My brows furrowed in gentle confusion as she unveiled another ring, her words weaving a poignant narrative. "I know Iseult bestowed upon you this ring," she began, her touch gentle as she caressed the metal band, "but I wish for you to have this one too."

With a gentle motion, she slipped the ring onto my other finger, her gaze soft with emotion. "I want you to carry a piece of me with you, just as you carry a piece of her," she whispered her words a tender promise of remembrance and love.

Tears welled in my eyes, a testament to the depth of emotion stirred within me as I beheld my hand adorned with two rings, each symbolizing a cherished connection. "I will never forget you," I confessed, my voice trembling with emotion as I admired the new addition to my collection, a tangible reminder of her enduring presence in my life.

Aethelflaed's lips curved into a tender smile, though a hint of sadness lingered in her eyes. "I know you won't," she replied softly, her voice carrying the weight of our shared history and the unspoken understanding of the challenges that lay ahead.

"I'll allow Uhtred to return," I announced softly, acknowledging their longing for one another, before quietly exiting the room not after giving her a final embrace though. 

Closing the door behind me, a heaviness settled upon my heart, a palpable sense of finality clinging to the moment. Leaning against the door, I wiped away tears, gathering my thoughts amidst a tumult of emotions.

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