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"I thought I lost you," 

"I never want to feel that way again."

─── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ───

"Lord Aldhelm," I greeted as he waited outside, his gaze fixed on Aethelflaed. "Y/n," he replied as Uhtred and Aethelflaed finally emerged smiling and laughing between themselves.

"They're quite a pair," I observed, prompting Aldhelm to cast me a quizzical glance. "I'll admit, no one can replace the void Gisela left in his heart, but I believe they both deserve this chance at happiness," I added.

"She does indeed deserve it," Aldhelm agreed, rising to follow after Aethelflaed. I couldn't help but notice the way he also gazed at her, a certain longing evident.

I gave her a wave which she happily reciprocated before they rode off together. I had grown to enjoy her company a lot over the years certainly not the way Uhtred did but enough to form a solid bond, both of us found it easy to confide in each other. She understood things in ways others didn't and I appreciated that.

"Uhtred," I greeted as he lounged by the fire, a mischievous grin on his face. "My favourite person," he shot back, and I rolled my eyes. "You say that now, but once Finan and Sihtric return from Bebbanburg, I bet that'll change," I remarked, to which he tutted mumbling "Nonsense."

"Finan will be back," he teased, repeating what I said as I sighed. "Finan," he said again, earning a light smack on his chest from me. "Cut it out," I warned, but he only shrugged feigning innocence.

"I see the way you two look at each other, the way he looked at you when he first met you,the way he continues looking at you and the way you two seek each other out any available moment," he remarked, noticing my nervous fiddling with the ring on my finger.

"That's not true," I denied, but Uhtred persisted, "Everyone else sees it too, he practically worships the ground you walk on." 

Rising abruptly, I instructed him to go to bed, walking away as he called after me teasingly.

Indeed, Finan was unmistakably vocal about his affection for me. Yet, amidst his charming demeanour, I found myself questioning whether his declarations were merely the artistry of his personality or if they truly concealed deeper sentiments.

The notion of entangling myself romantically with Finan sparked a twinge of uncertainty within me. Was it wise to entertain the idea, considering the complexities that could unravel? 

── ✦⋅ ☆⋅✦ ──

"Finan," I greeted with joy, pulling him into a warm embrace. "Sihtric, Osferth," Sihtric called out teasingly, and I released Finan, feeling a blush tint my cheeks.

Quickly, I embraced the remaining two, listening as they began to inform Uhtred of their findings in Bebbanburg.

Uhtred always had a knack for terrible plans that somehow managed to work in his favour, but this one seemed particularly dire.

Especially considering the fact that the king had refused our request for support meaning the current plan relied heavily on his son, the son he hadn't been in contact with for years, the son who wanted nothing to do with him.

After infiltrating Bebbanburg's gates, we found ourselves cornered by Uhtred's cousin Wihtgar, the devilish spawn of his uncle Aelfric, the same uncle who played a hand in Uhtred's imprisonment years ago.

The confrontation was far from graceful. Aelfric lay dead, struck down by an arrow fired by none other than his own son.

In a blink, Beocca lay lifeless on the ground across from me, having sacrificed himself to protect young Uhtred. As I watched the scene unfold, sorrow gripped my heart, and I couldn't help but ponder the depth of his sacrifice.

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