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The darkness is fading, the silence broken by shuffles and grunts. The feeling of peace and comfort is being replaced by fear and pain. My leg hurts terribly, my head is pounding, and every little sound makes it reel more. My whole body aches, and I attempt to open my eyes.
It's light out, so it's day. How long have I been out? Slowly turning my head, I see a blurb of white moving around and I recognize the feeling of leaves beneath me. I'm in a tree?
The blurb of white is sitting now, and I feel a slight poke to my hand.

"Hey." The blurb speaks. My vision clears the tiniest bit and the blurb becomes a boy. He's wearing a white t-shirt, and has a worried expression on his face.

"Huh...?" I hear my voice wonder out loud.

"I found you at the bottom of the ravine. I'm pretty sure your ankle is sprained, broken at worst. Be glad you didn't land on your head." I look at him, then around me.

"We're in a tree." He explains.

"It was night time when we got back up so I got us up here and kept watch." He motions to a bow and mostly empty quiver.

"T-thank y-y-you." I stutter out. His eyes widen.

"Oh, here." I gulp down the water handed to me.

"I'm Mitch. You?" I finish the gulp of water.


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