Chapter 50 Dinner Date

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You adjust the collar on your shirt before looking back into the mirror. Even if you still had to stay in the school's dress code, you at least want to look nice for tonight. You check the time on your phone. The time was 6:30 meaning you should probably get going. You grab your bag off the bed and exit the room. Legoshi said to meet him at one of the umbrella tables outside the cafeteria.

Legoshi's POV

Maybe being here early was a bad idea... I'm probably gonna be waiting for awhile. I guess I still have my own thoughts to keep me company. I sit down in one of the chairs by the table . This training with Gouhin has been wearing me out. I'm glad I had set aside time for this. I miss being able to just spend time with Y/N. 

I hear footsteps approaching. As suspected Y/N soon walks into view. Looks like he got here early too... The cat smiles as he approaches. "Lovely sunset we're having today right?" The feline says in a chipper tone. "Oh uh... yeah, I guess it is." I look up at the orange noon sky seeing the sun hanging low below the clouds.

Y/N sits down in the chair across from me. "So, Legoshi, what did you bring?" He asks me. O-oh right the food. I reach down and unzip my book bag. Reaching into the bag I grab the handles of the plastic container. I pull out a blue plastic bag and set it on the table. Inside are three to go boxes. I decided to order food instead of making it myself. I mean I'm not really good at cooking after all. I take the boxes out of the bag and set them on the wooden table before opening each one.

I hope this stuff is worth it. It cost me 4000 yen just for these two pasta bowls. Luckily the bread sticks were cheap though. I set Y/N's bowl in front of him and put a fork in it. "Wait, isn't this pasta from that one expensive Italian restaurant?" The feline asks looking at the branding on the side of the box. "Uh, yeah... it is." I respond. Wait does he not like pasta? Dang it, I should have asked him about his food preferences...

"You know, you could have just brought something cheap, Legoshi." Y/N says followed by a cute small chuckle. "Well I... just wanted tonight to be special." I respond staring down at the food. I pick up the fork and stab it into my pasta before placing it in my mouth. The taste isn't bad. It's pretty good I guess. I look back to Y/N to see him staring at me.

"Are you going to eat?" I ask him in a confused tone. The cat seems to snap back into focus sitting up right. "Oh uh... yeah, it's just been a while since we've hung out like this. I kind of wanted to focus on conversation." Y/N says picking up his fork. He shovels some of the pasta into his mouth and begins to chew. 

"Okay then... what do you want to talk about?" I question the feline as he swallows down the food. Y/N looked around seeming a little nervous. "Well uh... Legoshi... I've been wondering about something." He says. He folds his hands together and sets them on the wooden surface of the table.

"Legoshi... do you uhm... feel attracted to me... sexually?" Y/N stutters out. Huh!? Where did this come from all of the sudden!? The cat stares up at me waiting for a response as he fidgets with his thumbs. Oh Rex! What do I say!? I-if I respond too eagerly he might think I'm a pervert but if I say no it might hurt his feelings. Gotta think of something in between. 

"Uh... yeah of course I'm attracted to you Y/N... You are my boyfriend after all... I-isn't that how couples typically see each other..." I managed to respond. Man that was terrible. I look at the feline nervously waiting for an answer. However I didn't really expect the reaction I got. Y/N started to... chuckle? Did I say something funny?

"I wasn't expecting such an honest response from you." Y/N says after he manages to stop chuckling to himself. The feline reaches into his bag. "So... uh, the reason I asked you this is because I found... this in your bed." Y/N says reaching into his bag. My eyes widen as I see him set the porn magazine on the table. My face immediately started to heat up. H-how the hell did he find that!?

"Uh... t-that's not mine!" I shout in defense as my face burns bright red.

 "Come on Legoshi, you don't have to lie. I really don't mind... I just never really expected you to have something like this." Y/N comments in a seemingly neutral tone. He doesn't sound mad or disappointed. Not even a bit disgusted? 

I scratch the back of my head. Well I guess I should probably tell him why I actually have it. "Well, you see, when I was still unsure about my feelings towards you... a uh... a friend of mine gave it to me. He told me that I might just have a particular fetish but... when I looked at it I felt... nothing. I was going to throw it away but... I decided to keep it. I thought I could use it as a guide in case you ever wanted to uh... you know have sex."

I look down at the table refusing to look at Y/N. He probably thinks I'm a creep now... It's over... I feel his hand brush against mine as he takes my hand with his. I decided to look up at him... only to see a soft smile on his face. "Legoshi... that's kind of sweet... in a strange way." The cat says looking into my eyes. "Huh? Y-you don't think I'm weird?" I ask confused.

"Of course not. You were just making sure you're prepared... Well... even if all of the stuff in this thing is super unrealistic." The feline responds followed by a soft chuckle. I take a deep inhale and let out a relieved exhale. "Thanks for understanding, I really thought you were gonna... judge me." I respond.

The feline brings my hand up to his face and gently places a kiss on it. "I would never judge you, Legoshi." He reassures me in his soft yet lovely voice.  After that we talked and ate until it was almost completely dark outside. I don't think I'll ever forget this night.

to be continued...

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