Chapter 41.5 In The (Storage) Closet

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Legoshi's POV

I stand in the storage room with Pina. I had been enlisted to show him around... which I am not looking forward to. I groan and yawn tired from my training with Gouhin last night. It got pretty rough. Pina looks at me seemingly noticing my tiredness. "Not to pry, sir, but you seem exhausted recently. Is something wrong?" The sheep asks. He was unusual formal with his speech today. "You sound really formal today, Pina... That's kind of a change." I remark to see how he'd respond. Maybe there's a reason behind it. Pina chuckles and turns his body towards me.

"Right? Our club president chastised me for sounding too casual. But seriously, are you okay?" Pina asks seemingly somewhat genuinely worried about me. I respond with a simple but clearly confused, "hmm". "Cutting your fur, losing weight... Not to be indelicate, but could you be having emotional issues?" Pina asks inquisitively. Emotional issues? No definitely not. Even if I did I can't let things get in the way of training and investigation. "I'm doing just fine." I respond looking away from the herbivore.  "So, um, I've been asked to show you around the warehouse for the art department today. I was wondering if you might be interested in working stage crew?" I ask him knowing that there will probably have to be someone to replace the work I've been doing.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." The sheep says rather rudely. "Oh?" The sheep laughs and smiles seemingly amused by my reaction. "Sorry about that." The sheep apologizes for the sudden rude response. I groan quietly to myself. "It was just a thought. Anyway these are the costumes from previous shows. We've got some materials in that chest over there..." I stop talking as I smell a strong feminine scent coming from Pina that catches my attention. What is this super-rich feminine smell? And why is Pina covered in it. Pina walks over to me making the scent stronger.

"So, can I go back now?" The sheep asks being somewhat impatient with this whole thing. Now that he's closer I notice a red mark that suck out like sore thumb on the sheep's white face. "Your cheeks a little red. What happened?" I ask him curios as to what caused this. "Oh, this?" Pina asks as he point to the mark. He then let's out a sigh. "It's so cliche it's embarrassing, but I just got slapped in the face. Things were getting kinda hot and heavy with my girlfriend, and just when things were getting good I called out another girls name! I mean, talk about a screw up." Pina laughs. "Hmm. I see. Sounds like real trouble. " I comment in a somewhat monotone tone. I go to close the costume box back up. "Do you have a girlfriend yourself Mr. Legoshi?" Pina asks me. The question caught me off guard unintentionally making me slam the lid closed and look away. "I do not." I respond sternly.

Just then thoughts of Y/N start flooding my brain. I imagine the white cat tugging on my shirt lightly to get my attention and then sweetly smiling at me when I look down at him. I blush slightly at these thoughts. "Then, how about a crush?" Pina asks me persistently. Done with this, I start quickly walking away from him. "This conversations over." I state as I walk. Pina starts following me seemingly not giving up. "But why? Where are you going?" Pina asks teasingly while laughing at my response to this. I walk away not trying to pay attention to him. Oh, come on. I'm trying so hard to not worry about him and focus on training!

I groan as I walk. Thought of Y/N keep popping into my head. Hm. Y/N, Y/N. I can't stop thinking about him. His cute smile, those golden cat eyes that stare into mine with that understanding look, his soft white fur that warms both us everything we hug or cuddle, and the way he purrs when I hold him tightly. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... Y/N. I growl in frustration at my own thoughts. Dammit why do you have to be so adorable!? Why do you have to make me so obsessed with you! I mentally shout to myself.

"Just hold on a minute." Pina says grabbing my wrist bringing me to a stop. He chuckles innocently looking up at me. "You're so pure. I think that it's cute... Got your heart set on just one person, huh?" Pina says teasingly. "Impressive, very dog-like." The horned herbivore remarks staring up at me gesturing as if thinking to himself.

I groan in annoyance. What does he know? This guy just follows his libido anywhere it takes him. The sheep steps forward. "Seriously, I really wanna know. What's your secret to pure love? And, why do people get so mad at me if I don't narrow it down to one lover?" He asks. "Well, because that kind of love is dishonest-" I attempt to continue the sentence but I am cut off by PIna.

"But, the definition of honest varies from person to person, doesn't it? Now, as for me, an honest life is one where I have as much fun as I can. Morals and rules don't add anything to the life I'm trying to live." Pina says. Pina leans in towards me and changes his tone to a light whisper. "So that's why, if I were to become a tasty little snack for you-" You runs his fingers from the back of my jaw line to the front. I gasp at the sudden touch. "I'd find that honest." He shoves his finger up the side of my mouth. I grunt as I feel his fingers fur and flesh press up against my teeth...

"And I really couldn't blame you. That's simply what your urges long for... Say for example-" Pina walks over to the power switch slowly shutting off all the lights in the storage room before walking back to me. "I'm alone with someone, in a close dimly lit room exactly like this one." Pina says before grabbing my hand. "Of course, in the event that someone is a girl, I'd just wanna kiss her." Pina moves close to my face having ours only inches from each other. "So as we are now, do you want to 'eat' me?" He asks in an almost seductive tone. I could feel his other hand on my chest now. I gulp. "There's a sheep right in front of you telling you it's okay." Pina says in that whispered tone. Was, he asking me to devour him!? Is he crazy!? I groan looking at Pina while holding back my anger. I'm a male wolf, 17 years old, and today I had another new experience. This is the first time I've ever felt such a distinct and powerful hatred for an herbivore. I growl as I feel my grip on Pina's hand tightening. I try to put on a friendly smile while attempting to stay as calm as possible.

"I don't eat meat or have a girlfriend. I need nothing. I'm just a lone wolf." I say to him. "Oh! Well if that's the case, then fine." Pina says. I let go of his  hand. "Gah! I'm starving! I'm going to lunch!" I say turning around and storming off. "Gonna get me some veggies!" I shout back at Pina as I leave. I wasn't looking where I was going and trip on a bucket. I fail around trying to fix my balance. I quickly regain my balance and continue to storm off.

to be continued...

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