Chapter 18 Confession

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It was almost time to head of to Legoshi's dorm. You packed your bag with a few things. Including your phone and some snacks. It was 7:15. You head to dorm 701 aka the canine dorm. You arrive at the dorm and knock on the door. "Come in." You hear Legoshi say from the other side. You open the door and walk inside. You see Legoshi sitting on the floor.

"Hey Legoshi!" You greet him.

Legoshi's POV

Y/N is now standing here. "H-hey Y/N." I say back. When should I tell him? Y/N comes and sits down next to me. He smiles and looks around. "So... what movie are we watching?" Y/N asks. Wait... I've been worrying so much about confessing to him that I completely forgot we were going to watch a movie. "Uhm... I haven't decided." I say. "Hm... it's okay we can decide together." Y/N says. I walk over to the closet and pull out a box of movies from the closet. Y/N walks over and looks at the movies.

"Hm... lots of horror movies here." He says. If I plan on telling him tonight we probably shouldn't watch horror movies. "Uhm... how about this one." I say pointing another movie. The movie I pointed to was a romcom. "I didn't think you were the type to be into romcoms Legoshi." Y/N says. Wait why are there romcoms in here? Well I guess it's better than horror movies. "Uh... I'm not... but I'm willing to try it." Legoshi says.  "Hm... okay then." Y/N says as he grabs the disc then walks over to the dvd player and puts it in. Y/N sits and I sit down next to him. He opens his bag. "I brought snacks." He says and pulls out a bag. "I brought your favorite." He says before pulling out an egg sandwich and handing it to me.

"I got them on Wednesday. That's the time their good right?" He says and smiles. Actually the taste has notably changed recently but it's the thought that counts. I take the egg sandwich. "Yes, Thank you." I say and smile. The movie soon starts.

-one movie later-

The movie was over. We had a pretty good time watching it. The movie itself wasn't great but, we had a good time hanging out with each other. Y/N pointed a lot of romance cliches as we watched the movie. Should I say something now that he's in a good mood. Okay I'm gonna go for it. "H-hey Y/N I have something to tell yo-" I say but I get cut off. "Actually Legoshi, I have something to tell you... I haven't been completely honest with you." Y/N says. Huh? "You remember when I had that bandage on my arm and I told you I didn't remember. Well that was a lie. I was actually attacked the night before when I was leaving Drama Club. My arm got injured pretty badly. I thought I was going to die that night but, I'm glad I didn't because, if I did I would have never got to know you." Y/N says and then softly smiles.

Wait so he does remember. That makes this a lot harder. I can't do this! "Oh uhm, thanks Y/N. I'm glad that I know you too." I say awkwardly. I'm sorry Y/N but, I can't tell you the truth yet. I don't want to ruin what we have. Y/N yawns before checking the time on his phone. He looks surprised "Oh no, it's so late! If I get caught trying to get back to my dorm I'll probably get in trouble... Could I sleep here?" Y/N asks. Sleep!? Here!? Well I don't want him to get in trouble. "Uhm... sure I guess." I say sheepily. 

"I'm ready to get some sleep." Y/N says getting up. Where's he going to sleep? "Uhm... I guess you could sleep in my bed." I say. "Where are you going to sleep then?" Y/N asks. "I'll sleep on the other end of the bed." I say. Y/N yawns. "Okay, sounds good to me." He says tiredly. 

Y/N lays down on my bed. I sit down at the end of the bed. It's a little cramped. "Are you sure you're okay sleeping like that? You don't seem like you have much space." Y/N asks. "Yeah I'll be fine." I say. Y/N looks a little concerned. "Are you sure? I'm sure there's enough room for both of us up here." Y/N says scooching over. He's not gonna stop until I'm comfortable, is he? "Okay, fine." I reply. I move up toward the top of the bed next to Y/N. I blush a bit when I realize how close we are. 

"See there's enough room for us." Y/N says with a smile. "Okay goodnight Legoshi." Y/N says before starting to drift off to sleep. The realization soon kicks in,  I'm sleeping in the same bed as my crush. I blush and scooch over and then turn around so I'm not facing Y/N. Is he asleep already? 

I try to ignore the fact that me and Y/N are in the same bed and try to fall asleep.

to be continued...

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