Chapter 48 Insider Info

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"So how long is it going to take them to finish the paperwork?" You hear Legoshi ask from the speaker of your phone. "Well, it shouldn't take that long." You assure the wolf. You were finally being released from the hospital today. Legoshi has been on the phone with you mostly all day. He's like an impatient little puppy dog waiting for you to return home. Well not home but back to school.

"So, Y/N... Are you still up for lunch when you get back?" Legoshi asks. "Oh... I forgot you promised to do that. Then again I was actively losing blood at the time. Anyways, of course I'm up for it!" You say with a smile. After these past few days this is a much needed break for you. Plus, you haven't gotten to see Legoshi face-to-face in almost a week. Plus... you still have that magazine. You've gotta ask him about it eventually so why not have him in a good mood before hand. You just hope he doesn't overreact about it.

-a little while later-

You watch as a green car pulls up to the front parking lot. Well there's your ride. You have no idea who the driver is but apparently he's a friend of Legoshi's. The car pulls up in front of you. The window rolls down revealing a panda with grizzled fur. His appearance was certainly intimidating. He looked like he was at least in his mid forties. "You must be Y/N, am I right?" The panda says in a deep gruff voice. This guy is a friend of Legoshi's? He looks kind of scary. "Y-Yes, that would be me." You respond with you tail tucked between your legs.

 "Well, The name's Gouhin. Your little wolf friend, Legoshi, sent me to pick you up." He says staring you up and down. "I can see that you're nervous... Don't worry, I don't bite." The bear says attempting to speak in a more soft tone. "H-How could you tell?" You ask him.

"Well, your hands are shaking slightly, your fur is standing up, and your tail is hanging low between your legs. All common signs of nervousness in felines." Gouhin responds. "Anyways are you getting in or do you want to walk?" You hear the car doors unlock. "I don't care where you sit just get in."

Sitting in the back is definitely the best option here. After all you don't know this guy. You open the back car door revealing the inside of the car. Cigarettes littered the back seats of the car. Surprisingly there were no burn marks on the seats. You step into the vehicle and sit down. Gouhin looks back at you and nods. D-Did you do something? Man this guy is strange... Soon the car starts up and he starts to drive. As he drives you wonder if you should try to make small talk. Well might as well give it a try.

"So... how do you know Legoshi?" You ask him. The panda raises his eyebrow curiously and mumbles something under his breath before responding. "I'm Legoshi's uh... therapist." Gouhin responds. Huh, Legoshi has a therapist? He never told you about that... maybe that's where he's been taking off too?

"You know... he's told me a lot about you. Can't reveal most of it though. Confidentiality and all. However, I do know that you're related to that arrogant little CEO... He's peeked my interest recently to say the least." He's peaked his interest? Why would a therapist have any interest in your uncle. Gouhin seemed to become quiet after that. Is something wrong?

Gouhin suddenly takes a turn into a dark alley way. What's going on!? Shit, this is what you get for getting into a strangers car. He stops the car at the end of the dark alley.  "Uh, Mr. Gouhin what are you doing?" You ask in a nervous tone. The ursine peers back at you with an intense stare. "Listen kid. I need to ask you a question before I can let you go. If you comply and answer it truthfully and I'll return you to school as promised."

"A-And... if I don't?" You ask fearfully. You could feel goosebumps up your arm. There's no way there isn't a catch to this. Gouhin's intense stare doesn't waver as he narrows his eyes on you. "Then I'll likely have to force the answer out of you." You could feel your heart racing. O-okay you can do this... You just have to answer one question. That's easy... 

'Do you know why there are delivery trucks from your family's company roaming around the black market?" The panda asks. Company trucks in the Black Market? That doesn't sound right...
"I have no idea why there would be company trucks in the Black Market... Those trucks are supposed to be stored in the garage long before the Black Market opens... Unless they're from the pharmaceuticals department. Those trucks usually deliver around midnight. " You respond. Finally listening to your uncles boring business stuff comes in handy for once.

"Hm... interesting..." The panda stares you over. "So, I'm assuming you've at least heard of the Black Market before then... Well you seem to be a good source of information. There's something strange going on in the Black Market and I believe I could use your assistance." Gouhin reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. It's a piece of paper with an address and a phone number written on it. "I usually don't ask for help like this, but I need someone on the inside. Whatever the hell is going on it's bound to be trouble."

What the hell is going on? It's just a few delivery trucks, it can't be that dangerous. They're probably just transporting normal everyday medication. "I'll give you a call eventually. When I do, I need you to show up to this address. I'll explain more once you're there."

"Uh... okay, I guess I can do that." You agree hesitantly. This can't be too bad. You could both mutually benefit from this. You get information about where Legoshi's been running off too and he gets information about your uncle's company... However you're going to have a pretty full plate for these next few months. A murder investigation, school work, and now this on top of it...

"Now let's get you to school. Also don't tell Legoshi about anything we've talked about. This is between you and me." You nod in response as he puts the car in reverse. The rest of the car ride back was almost unnervingly silent. Eventually the panda pulls up to the gates of Cherryton.

You open the car door and step out onto the cold sidewalk. Without another word Gouhin drives off leaving you with more questions than you had before you entered that car.

to be continued...

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