Chapter 44 Mouth of Scarlet Liquid (Blood Warning)

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(This chapter may have detailed descriptions of violence and character injury. If that makes you uncomfortable I suggest you skip over this chapter and read the summary that I will be leaving in the comments.)

Another round had passed between Riz and this one alligator from the actors crew. For some reason you felt the desire to keep playing despite not even wanting to just a short while ago. You were pumped to keep going... Maybe it was because Legoshi was watching you. This is the most attention he's paid to you in a while. Now there were only 4 remaining players being Bill, Riz, Aoba, and You. Bill smirked joyfully. "Well I'm going first! So Y/N get your ass over!" Bill shouts in a very eager tone. You look at him. "Oh? Uh me?" You ask. "Yes you! Now that I know you aren't as much of a wimp as I thought... I want to see how strong you really are!" Bill says. Wimp!? You grumble a little. "Fine..." You say slightly annoyed.

You walk over and sit down staring at Bill. "Haha that's the spirit! Don't worry I'll go easy on you." Bill says with a chuckle. 

Pina's POV

I smirk looking down at the intriguing scene in front of me. It seems like the little kitten has gotten himself into quite the precarious situation. I wonder how this will play out. Though typically it would seem pretty obvious that the big dumb tiger would win, I'm still not sure what this matches outcome will be. "You got this, little mittens!~" I call out teasingly to Y/N. I chuckle to myself as I see his eyebrows furrow.

Now one might see and hear what I'm doing and think it's malicious but, I've noticed a little hidden thing about Y/N. When he gets irritated it boosts his physical strength. So basically I'm helping him... and now it's time to watch the fruits of my teasing. I hear the eagle guy, who I don't remember the name of, shout "Go!" signalling the start of the match. I see Y/N tug hard on the rope to which Bill responds with tugging back. It was a back and forth war as they fought to pull the rope.

Everything is going well so far but all the sudden I hear a cracking noise as Y/N's eyes widened as he let out a muffled loud yell. The white fur around the edges of his mouth started to stain red. The game stops and Y/N drops the rope from his mouth. Blood leaked from his mouth and pieces of something white fell from his open mouth.

Ellen lets out a loud shriek at the bloody sight in front of her. Everyone looks in shock at the display in front of them. Five large chipped of pieces of Y/N's teeth lay on the ground in a pool of scarlet red that was forming from the blood that was dripping from the cat's mouth. O-oh my... I didn't expect this outcome... "A-are those really m-my teeth?" Y/N mutters in shock. His voice now has an audible difference caused by his misshapen teeth. Bill looked at Y/N seeming just as shocked as everyone else. He starts to panic while looking around. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!!"  Y/N's eyes were welling up with hot tears as he let out pained crying sounds.

Legoshi, who had just come out of the locker room for some reason, immediately rushed to the side of Y/N with a worried expression on his face. "Y-Y/N!? What happened!?" The wolf asks in a panicked tone. Sansu is looking around with sweat dripping from his forehead trying to figure out what to do about this situation. For some reason I oddly feel a little guilty about this. Maybe I pushed the little guy too hard... Guilt... oddly enough this is the first time I've felt it in awhile.


  You're starting to feel lightheaded from the amount of blood you're losing. You cover your mouth to stop it from bleeding onto the ground. Although that won't stop the pain. You're assuming you probably damaged a nerve or something... A-are they going to be able to fix that!? Everyone around you seemed to also be panicking. You look up to see Legoshi glaring at Bill who was already stressed out mumbling to himself like some kind of crazy person. Sansu even though he was in charge seemed to be panicking as much as Bill right now. You just sit there shaking and whimpering as sharp pain surges through your mouth. You could feel your own blood soaking your hand staining it red.

Finally, of all people, Juno steps in and speaks up. "Someone needs to get him to the nurses office now! If he gets to a hospital fast enough they might be able to reattach them. So we need a fast and strong carnivore to carry him there." Juno... Hmm... maybe she isn't all that bad.

" Someone needs to carry Y/N and somebody else needs to take the chipped teeth so they can hopefully be fixed." Juno says commanding people. You reach up and tug on Legoshi's pants leg from down on the floor. "L-Legoshi, p-please... will you carry me to the nurses?" You manage to mumble out. Legoshi was the only one you trust right now to handle you in this condition. If you weren't in so much pain right now you might chuckle at the irony of that realization.

The wolf takes a deep breath and looks at you. "Of course I will." Legoshi answers with a tone that was now calm.  It seems as if he's trying to stay calm for your sake. Legoshi calmly scoops you up and carries you bridal style. "Uhm, t-tilting your head back might help control the bleeding." Legoshi says shifting you in his grasp so you can tilt your head back. You feel Legoshi slightly shaking while holding you. Then again that might just be you shaking from the pain. Although it was somewhat comforting to have him holding you in this situation.

 Riz walks up with a towel. "I'll bring the teeth." Riz says using the towel to pick up the teeth. The towel also seemed to soak up some of the blood from the ground. It made you feel kind of dizzy just staring at it. Everyone still seemed to be in shock. Once Riz has all the pieces picked up he folds the towel and the three of you start quickly heading for the nurses office. 

to be continued...

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