Chapter 32 Memorial

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You walk through the school halls to lecture hall 2 where Tem's memorial is. It's been awhile since you've visited it. You're carrying a bouquet of roses in your hands. It seems nobody visits the area anymore. You eventually reach the empty hallway where Tem's memorial sat. His picture sits in front of the busted door. You walk up to it noticing another bouquet of flowers sitting on the ground. These flowers look like they've been sitting here for a while.

The white petals were cracked and wilted. Looks like someone else has been here before. With a sigh, you set your flowers down in front of the picture of the sheep. The fact that he was dead was still surprising even though it's been months since it happened. He was always friendly towards almost everyone... even though he could be blunt sometimes. He seemed like a small part of your life, just being someone you saw at your lunch table. Now it's obvious he had a bigger impact than you realized. An impact that affected everyone.

For some reason, you kind of feel sorry. Sorry for not doing more than just talking at lunch. He even gave you chances to hang out with him after school was over to get you out of your room for once. Sadly, you never took those offers when you had the chance. Now he's gone... "I'm sorry for not being a better friend, Tem..." You whisper to yourself. 

Your train of thoughts were broken as you hear a sound coming from somewhere. It almost sounded like slithering. You stand up and look around. "Uhm, hello? Is somebody there?" You ask. You hear a low hiss coming from the vents. "I'm sorry to inform you, but this area is currently off limits." You hear a voice say from the vents. Huh?... but, it wasn't off limits before? "Oh sorry, I didn't know. Also, why are you in the vents?" You ask. There's a pause for a second. "Well, let's just say my physical form isn't the most pleasing to the eye. Now, please leave." They say. 

You shrug and follow orders leaving the memorial. That was strange... Maybe you should start covering the vents around your dorm room. You take your phone out of your pocket and open your texts. Huh? You have no new messages, not even from Legoshi. You glance at the time realizing it was almost lunch time. You start heading to the cafeteria.

-later at the cafeteria-

You walk around the cafeteria with your lunch in hand looking for Legoshi but, you can't find the wolf at any of the tables. Just because you two are trying to keep your relationship relatively private doesn't mean you guys can't be in public together. As you're walking you see Legoshi talking to Els by one of the doors. As you start to walk towards Legoshi they both start to leave. Huh? Where is he going? Just as they leave you hear a voice call out from behind you. "Hey! Y/N!" The enthusiastic voice calls out. You look behind you to see Jack waving at you from one of the tables. The labrador had his typical happy look on his face. "Come sit over here!" Jack shouts.

Your mouth turns into a small smile. It's been awhile since you've talked with Jack. You walk over to the table where he sat. "So, how has my favorite feline been?" Jack asks you as you sit down. "Oh I've been good. I've joined the drama club again this year, I've got a new roommate... actually not sure if that one's completely positive. Anyways overall I've been doing well." You say. Jack smiles. "That's good... Have you found anyone you're interested in? Like romantically." Jack asks. That's a very sudden question that kind of  caught you off guard. You don't know if Legoshi has said anything yet. But, you don't want to lie to him.

"Actually, I do have someone I'm dating right now but, our relationship is kind of private right now so I can't say who it is." You say. Well, you aren't lying. "Wow, that's great! Whoever it is must be one lucky gal o-or guy. I don't judge." Jack says. You start eating your lunch. You wonder if Jack knows what Legoshi's been doing. You haven't really talked with him much recently outside of when you two meet up and he doesn't talk about himself that much. "Hey Jack, by chance do you know what Legoshi has been up to?" You ask him.

Jack sighs. "Honestly, not really. He's been so distant recently. Last night he went to do our dorm's laundry and he was gone for 2 hours. Seems a little strange to me." Huh? That's a lot of time for some laundry. Maybe he just got caught up doing something else. Still that's kind of weird.

to be continued...

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