Chapter 10 Before The Play

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You wake up and it was early in the morning. You stretch which made your back hurt a little. You slept pretty great despite what happened last night. You get up out of your bed and look around the room. Everyone else was asleep. You look down at the claw marks on your hands. It wasn't infected luckily. You didn't want to be in here when Bill wakes up. You grab your phone and bag and walk out of the room.

You walk down the mostly empty halls of the dorm building. It was early so not many people were awake. You then stop as you see Legoshi standing infront of a window reading his script for the play. Might as well say hi.

"Hey Legoshi!" You say waving to him. The wolf looks over at you. "Oh hey Y/N." The tall grey wolf says to you. You walk over to him and look out the window with your hands resting on the window sill. Legoshi looked at your hands and seemed to notice the claw marks.

Legoshi's POV

What happened to his hands!? Those claw marks are definitely not from him. They are about the same size as mine. Someone else must have did this to him! I'm going to find out who did this to him.

"So Legoshi... you ready for the play later?" Y/N asked me. "Well I think I am... I've went over my lines more times I can count." I tell him. I look at his hand again looking to see there were any clues to who made those claw marks. I spot a few orange and black strands of fur among the white fur on his hand. Putting together what I already know I instantly knew who it was. It was Bill. I clench my hands into a fist. I still want confirmation that it was him though. Maybe I should just ask Y/N.

"Y/N, I know this may be a weird question but, has Bill ever hurt you in anyway?" I ask trying to stay as calm as possible.


Shit he knows... but how? He had a serious look on his face. Well since he already knows so there's no point in lying. You take a deep breathe. "Yeah, actually it was last night... I found out he was using rabbit blood... I confronted him about it... and when I did he attacked me." You say to him pausing a bit in between your sentences. You skipped over some of the less important details. You noticed he was clutching his fists. "That bastard..." You hear Legoshi say under his breath.

Legoshi's POV

So not only did he hurt Y/N but he's also using rabbit blood. I'm going to beat the shit out of him... Why am I suddenly so protective of Y/N? It's weird just two days ago I was about to kill him but now I feel like I need to protect him. I take hold of the small cat's hand and look at the claw marks. "So did Bill do this?" I ask him. He nods his head yes. That's all the information I needed. I could slightly see him blushing though his white fur as I held his hand. I realised I just randomly grabbed his hand. "O-oh uhm sorry Y/N!" I apologize to him and let go of his hand.

"It's okay!" He responds and chuckles with that adorable laugh of his.


He's so awkward all the time. You are kind of the same though. His awkwardness was kind of cute though. "Okay, I've got to go prepare for the play." Legoshi says. The wolf then turns and walks off down the hall. You just hope Legoshi doesn't start anything with Bill. You guess you should get ready.


You just got done taking shower. You used the academy showers since you didn't really want to go back to your dorm room. You dry your wet fur with a towel and get dressed. You walk out of the showers and grab your bag which was sitting outside the showers by the door. Luckily no one took your stuff. You take your phone out of your bag and check the time. It was almost time to go to the auditorium. You head to the auditorium.

You walk into the auditorium. It was a few hours before the play. You walk backstage seeing not seeing Legoshi there. So you instead go to make sure all the lights are ready. You get up on the balcony and check all the lights. They all seemed to be fine.

You still had a little bit before the play started. You decided to go see what the others were doing.

Legoshi's POV

I was in the dressing room and I had gotten my costume on and I was going over my script one last time. I couldn't stop thinking about how Bill hurt Y/N. His adorable face keeps popping into my thoughts along with the claw marks on him. I tightly clutch my script with my claws going through the paper. "Hey Legoshi. You okay?" I hear someone ask next to me. It was Y/N.


You asked one of the other members where Legoshi was. They told you he was in the dressing room and that he's been in there for awhile. You walk into the room and see Legoshi sitting in a chair with his script in his hands. He looked like he was about to rip it apart.

You walk over to him. "Hey Legoshi. You okay?" You ask him a little concerned. He turns his head to look at you. "Oh hey uh... Y/N. Yeah, I'm okay." He said while staring into your eyes. He was in his costume for the play. You probably should have knocked before coming in. "Sorry for coming in with out knocking." You apologize. "It's okay." He says. You noticed the shirt he was wearing exposed his muscular chest. He looked kind of... hot in it. You shake the thought from your head. "Y-you look great in that costume Legoshi!... I mean uhm... not that you don't look good all the time." You said that second part quieter. You see his face turn red through his fur. "Oh uhm... thanks Y/N." He says scratching the back of his neck nervously. Damn it, I should have worded that better you think to yourself. You chuckle nervously while blushing. "O-okay I'll be going now! Good luck on stage!" You say before quickly walking away and out of the dressing room.

You get out into the hall and lean against a wall. You were still blushing. That became pretty awkward.

to be continued...

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