Chapter 40 After Party

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(Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism and implied drugging)


You shift in your sleep as you feel sunlight shine on you. You groan and start to open your eyes. You rub them. Your vision was a little blurry. You see what looks like a white figure staring at you. "Y-Y/N?" They say surprised. Huh? It sounds like... Legoshi!? Your vision starts to become clearer. Wait it is him! You stare up at the wolf with a surprised look. He was back! But.. he looked almost completely different. His fur was now short leaving only white fur across his body. However his face was still the same complete with his small pupils and canine nose.

"L-Legoshi! You're back!" You say in a surprised yet somewhat happy tone. You quickly sit up and hug him tightly. You could feel slight tears running down your face. You could feel Legoshi's roommates staring at the two of you. Legoshi's tail was wagging behind him but he didn't hug you back. Was he afraid to hug you in front of his roommates? "W-what are you doing in my bed?" Legoshi asks. You pull back from the hug and rub the back of your head nervously. "O-oh! I stayed the night here with Jack after you left. I wanted to keep an eye on him." 

"Oh... that's very thoughtful of you." The wolf says. After some short conversations and breakfast you leave the canine dorm. During the time you talked you didn't even dare to mention the magazine you found instead deciding to take it with you. You planned on confronting Legoshi about it later on. 

You start to head back to the feline dorm so you could get dressed and ready for the day. You reach for the door knob and turn it and open the door. Your eyes widen as you see the scene laid out in front of you. Leon was laying unconscious in the middle of the room. The room was a mess scattered with empty and half empty glass bottles and plastic cups. What the hell happened here!? You quickly rush over to Leon.

He seemed to be out cold as if something knocked him out. You check his body seeing no signs of any head injury. How did this all happen when you were gone for only one night!? And where is Bill!? You shake Leon trying to wake him up. His body fails around a bit before he slowly starts to open his eyes. "Huh?" He murmurs before quickly moving a hand to his head and letting out a loud pained hiss. "What the hell happened? I feel like absolute shit." He says with a groan.

He looks up at you. "Y/N? What happened to that cute bear guy?" He says confused. You let out a deep sigh of relief. Thankfully he's okay-ish. "Leon, what the hell happened here!? I was gone for one night!" You shout. "Hey, hey, calm down. Man, you've got a strong grip." He says with a smirk. "Anyways, I was feeling a little homesick and decided to throw a party here in our dorm. Me and Bill have been planning it for like a week now. Can you believe that we could fit 20 people all in this room?" Leon says. They threw a party in your guys dorm room!? Are they stupid? That could get all of you in trouble if any of the school staff found out. He's lucky these walls are soundproof.

"So how did you end up passed out on the floor?" You ask him. He chuckles and his face seems to turn a little red. "I know what you may be thinking but no it wasn't from being drunk... I cut back on drinking a year ago. You see I met this really cute bear guy. He seemed to be looking for someone... uh I don't know who but, like he was really cute and handsome." This seems like it's going to be a long story. "Anyways me and Bill got into an argument because he was ditching me with the responsibility of the party so he could go hook up with this girl... or was it a guy. Can't really remember that well. Anyway that one cute guy offered to help me clean up afterwards since he heard me and Bill arguing." Leon continues.

"So after everyone left we started cleaning. While we were cleaning he offered me a drink of this really expensive whiskey he had and uh... I figured I could maybe handle a small cup of it but I think I passed out. Weirdly enough, I don't really remember anything after that." Leon says. You were shocked. It sounds like Leon got roofied by this guy. Luckily it doesn't seem like he did anything to Leon. You feel something wet seeping down your hand. It was blood. Your hand trembles at the sight of it. "L-Leon you're bleeding." You tell him. His expression seemed to change to shock. "W-what?" 

You locate the location of the injury and see a large claw mark on the back of his neck. "Holy shit!" You exclaim before quickly reaching into your bag. "That guy you mentioned didn't do this, right!?" You ask as a cold sweat drips down your forehead. "As I said, I don't remember what happened." He says sounding oddly calm about the situation. You pull out disinfectant and bandages. You quickly disinfect the wound before bandaging it up. Leon scratches the back of head and smiles. "Aw thanks, you really do care about little ole me?" He says in a childish playful tone. He chuckles before winking and smirking at you. You just rolled your eyes but you did have a slight smirk on your face. He might be right. It's not like you don't care about him... even if he's childish and annoying sometimes.

"It sounds to me like the guy roofied you, Leon. Don't know why he'd do this though?" You say referring to the claw mark. From the way Leon described him he seemed like a kind well meaning guy. Leon's ears seem to perk up seemingly surprised by the suggestion. "I mean isn't that obvious? I barely drank during the whole party." He says in a confident tone as if he's bragging that he already had figured out this info. He does not seem to realize the severity of what happened to him. He's lucky that all that happened to him was a scratch. He could have been murdered, kidnapped, or worse. 

You help him up. "Well if that's the case then you probably aren't hung over. So that means you can clean up this mess." You say pointing to the ground. The lynx rolls his eyes. "Fine."

You sigh before you move to your bed and open the curtains. Laying on your mattress was a yellow envelope and... Legoshi's smashed phone? You open the envelope to find... several pictures and a note. Your eyes widened in shock as you realized that all the pictures were of your friends and family. There were pictures of Leon, Louis, Jack, Bill, Haru, and even Lake somehow. You wonder how they got all of these in such a short time. You pick up the note which had 4 simple words on it. 

"Keep quiet or else."

There's no way it could have been... This from Tem's killer isn't it? They must have realized that you heard what happened last night and wants to shut you up from saying anything. You feel your heart beat start to quicken. You look at the pictures and back at Leon. This must have been a warning...

-to be continued-

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