Chapter 47 An Unwanted Visitor

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Warning: This chapter mentions and depicts mental and physical abuse. If you aren't in the right head space for this topic you might want to skip this chapter. This chapter may also be a little more serious than previous chapters.


You sit up in your hospital bed. It had been a few days since you were you transported over to the hospital. 4 days if you wanted to be exact. Luckily your teeth were able to be repaired via surgery. Although... it doesn't mean they don't still hurt. Not to mention... something about them feels sharper for some reason. Just yesterday you had accidentally cut your tongue on them. The doctors told you that your teeth just need a little time to re-adjust. That's also the reason your release from here has taken longer than you expected. You can't eat hard foods yet so the hospital has been preparing your meals. However, this hasn't been completely boring. Some of your friends had dropped by to visit while you were here.

First it was Leon surprisingly. He actually visited twice. He was just generally being himself. It was good to have company though... even if he was trying to flirt with one of the nurses. His pick-up lines were pretty bad. Actually, who are you kidding, they were awful. The second person to visit you was Bill. He seemed on edge most of the time he was here. You could tell he was trying to act cool the whole time. Until he couldn't take it anymore and started apologizing profusely for what happened. That was the first sincere apology you think you've heard from him in a long time. Sometimes he's not so bad.

Of course, eventually, Jack was here. He'd spent at least 10 minutes hugging you and crying. Legoshi had told him about what happened and according to him, he rushed here as soon as possible. Legoshi however... didn't come with him sadly. However, Legoshi has been calling and texting you using Jack's phone. Due to his being kind of absolutely destroyed. It's still not the same as seeing him in person, but hearing his voice is good enough for now. Surprisingly Haru showed up too. She'd somehow over a conversation about what happened to you. She brought some really nice smelling flowers with her. You two just talked for a long while. She also brought these egg sandwiches that Legoshi bought for you. It's weird though everyone from school seemed like they were being bothered by something.

You'd also been getting constant calls from Lake. He sounded like he'd been sobbing when he called you after he got the news you'd been taken to the hospital. It rare that you see or hear Lake cry. He's always been a big ol softie when it comes to you. He hasn't been able to visit you though due to his constant busy work.

You wish he could though. Just then your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. "Yeah?" You call out. A nurse opens the door partially and peaks her head through. "Hey, uhm Y/N we've got a visitor here to see you. He says he's your parental guardian." The nurse says sounding a little uneasy. Huh?  Wait could it be Lake!? A smile spreads across your face. "Send them in please." You tell the nurse happily. "Alright will do."

However, as the door open you recognize who it is, and your smile soon fades. It was the last person you'd want to see... Your uncle. He walks in and his Heterochromic eyes instantly focus onto you. "Hello, Y/N."  The slender white cat says looking at you with a familiar stern look. "O-oh, hello uncle William." You say a little nervously. What's with that look. You wouldn't really expect him to walk in here looking like he's worried and cares about you but, you didn't expect him to have... that expression. The one he only wears when the public isn't looking. Usually when he has that expression that means someone has messed up somehow.

Your uncle let out a fake cough. "Ahem, Nurse, I'd like to talk to my nephew alone please." The nurse looks at him and back to you. "I'm sorry but the decision is up to Y/N. Are you okay with that Y/N?" She asks you. The other white cat side eyes you. You have a feeling if you say no, it'll create more trouble for you later. You might as well just endure whatever he does or says for now. You take a deep breathe before answering. "That's fine with me." You say trying not to make it too obvious that you don't want to talk with him. The nurse nods. "If you need anything hit the button next to the bed." The nurse says before leaving and closing the door behind her.

You sigh. "Why are you here?" You ask him. He walks closer to you. "Actually, I wanted to ask you that... You do know good dental surgery isn't cheap. Not to mention... I should be working right now." He responds. He circles around your hospital bed like a predator hunting its prey. He starts approaching you. You feel your heart beating slightly faster as he stands in front of you. What does he want? Is he just here to complain about the hospital bill? Suddenly he grabs your jaw. He starts to clamp down on your jaw like someone trying to get their pet to drop something in their mouth. The pressure and pain forces you to open your mouth. He seems to stare into your mouth inspecting it. "Hmph". 

He lets go of your face and you pull back. Your jaw still hurt. "W-what the hell was that for?" You ask rubbing the side of your jaw. "I was just making sure I got my money's worth on that surgery. Also, I already paid off the security guard here. No security footage will be recorded today." Your uncle said looking completely unphased. Damn, he's still the same jackass bully he was 3 years ago. You'd been avoiding him these past years. It doesn't matter whether you're an employee or his family. If has power over you, he'll abuse it.

"So, tell me what happened?" William asks you. You suck up your emotions even though you have the intense urge to punch him in his face. "I was playing this game with some friends... It's like tug of war but using your mouth. The game got a little intense and well I pulled the rope to hard and broke my teeth..." You explained hoping that was good enough explanation, so he'd leave you alone. He squints at you. "I thought I raised you better than to play such savage games... Let me guess that Ben guy talked you into. Or maybe this because of how you were raised? I guess the phrase 'If you want something done right you should just do it yourself' is true. Maybe I should just take you out of Cherryton altogether. It's clearly not doing you any good. You've been attacked, kidnapped, and now you're making friends with thes-" He continues rambling on and on.

 You were getting more and more annoyed with each word he spoke. You've made so much progress on yourself since you've started going to Cherryton and he's just tearing into you trying to make you feel like garbage. You couldn't take this negativity. You can feel that your about to snap at him. "First off his name is Bill. And yes, he did encourage me to play it! Because he's my friend and actually enjoys being around me! Why do you care anyways? I'm an adult now. I can make my own decisions! I've grown up into my own person while you're still the same vindictive asshole who only cares about himself!!" You shout.

The taller white cat glares signaling that you just messed up. You could see his claws extending from his fingertips. "I think it seems you've forgotten you place. Well, if you're such an adult, then why don't you pay your own bills and find your own place to live? I never had to take you in. The only reason I did it was because I felt sorry for you, you pathetic welp!" He says in a stern irritated voice. You fur was standing up at this point and your claws were out. You hear footsteps approaching. William's ears twitch as he takes a deep breath and composes himself almost instantly. You attempt to do the same. There's a knock on the door. "Is everything okay in there." One of the staff members asks. Will glares back at you. "Yes, it's fine." He speaks. However, you had a different plan. You press the button next to the bed contacting the hospital staff. Help soon arrive and you requested for the staff to remove your uncle from the room.

After this... you never want to see him again.

to be continued...

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