12: Argument

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"You are the most annoying thing that ever happened to me."


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Inaya Pov:

 I didn't sleep but rested my head on him, but to my surprise, he didn't ask me to take my head off. I didn't expect such gentle behavior from him. But that was the last time he acted that way. After that Allah knows what got into him.

Days passed and we didn't get time to have much interaction. I was busy with university documentation and stuff. We have to leave for Canada after wedding week as Ayan's university is about to start soon. I also applied for my visa. And he was busy with I don't know what. He is mostly out of the house these days. He went out after breakfast and came back at midnight. 

It's good the fewer interactions we will have, the less fight we will have. I don't know why he is behaving weirdly. I talked to him but he didn't spare me a single moment.

I am also busy helping Khala. As the wedding is in two days. I also met Ayesha when we all went shopping. She is not bad. Overall, she has such a sweet personality. I really don't have any problem with that woman. She, herself seemed disturbed. I didn't push the topic or I would have sounded toxic or typical. It's her life she can do whatever she wants to. I also had a past. Some unrevealing secrets, trauma.


Today was super trying. Finally...., I am about to sleep. I need to wake up early in the morning as tomorrow is the Mehndi function. Luna and I have to get all the last moment stuff. Frankly speaking, my after-marriage life is not that bad. At least I am not alone anymore. I have people to talk to. Everyone is good with me. Even Adam and I are doing well.  We don't talk that much but still, we are okay.


"Inaya get up. I need to sleep. Go on the couch. It's my turn to sleep in bed."

"Ayan, please just go and sleep there just for today. I am dead tired."

"That's not my problem. Get up fast. Or otherwise, I will throw you from the bed."

"What the hell Ayan? It's midnight, you are coming back this late and the cherry on top asking to sleep on the bed. Do you even know how much work I have to do? The least you can do is to let me sleep peacefully." 

"INAYA. I am asking you politely LAST TIME. GET UP." He said in a frustrated tone. A layer of fear lingered over my body. He does talk rudely sometimes but this is the first time his tune scares me. So I quietly get up not before glaring at him. 

What's with him? Why he is getting this furious about such a small thing?  And also his behavior for the past week. Should I ask him? I think I should...  

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