13: Guilt

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"Some eyes touched you more than hands ever could."



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Author Pov:

The mehndi venue from the house was about half an hour away. But the rainy weather and traffic were making it worse. It's already been an hour since he being an asshole left her there alone.

"Ayan, are you crazy or what? Why do you have to act like that? If something happens to her, Dad will kill me for sure. Damn it her is phone off?" He was continuously scolding himself for leaving her.

It took him half an hour in traffic. And fifteen more minutes to reach the marque.  As soon he reached there he rushed out. The rain was heavy with storm.

"Excuse me. Have you seen any lady in her early twenties after the function ends?" He asked the first man he encountered.

"Sir I can't tell like this. Do you have any pictures?"

"Picture..... yes wait a minute." He opened his phone. He does have her picture from today's function with Ayesha and Luna, which Luna took with his mobile.

"Here it is. See if this helps."

"No, I don't think so. You can ask the guard over there."

"Oh alright." He rushes towards the guard.

"Excuse me, have you seen this lady? She's my wife. I can't find her. If by chance you see her." 

"Show me.....Yes, I knew her. She even took my phone to call someone. But signals were not good, so she wasn't able to contact anyone and secondly the unexpected rain today.

"Where is she right now? I mean do you have any idea? Which way she goes." The guard told him pointing towards the main highway.

"You can check to ward main highway or near the bus stop. Cause she can't go further in such weather."

"Thank you, thank you so much. I will look." He ran from there towards his car.

" She would have socked in water till now. She can get sick too and all because of your stupid ego and tantrums: idiot, idiot, idiot." He said hitting his fist over the steering wheel.

"Now focus on the road. Or you will miss her." He felt his heart would stop working at any time.

First, he went towards the highway but there was no sign of her.  Then towards the bus stop and there she is. Sitting in the bus terminal. All socked. Water dripped from her body. Shivering with cold. He felt his breath stuck. A hard lump formed in his throat. All because of him.

He opens the door and fastens his steps towards where she is sitting. He is standing in front of her but can't form words. She raises her head to look. 

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