17: Knight in shining armor

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Eid Mubarak

"I don't want to do this, but here I am doing it, anyway."

"This is a half-truth. She is pregnant. But she was in the Nikkah of that man. They didn't do ruksati. So villagers think that she sinned. These people are so sick. It's impossible to knock sense into them. They will kill her for no reason and the baby, too. My heart is drowning, Adam Sir. But I can't do anything for the women I respect. The one I called my sister."

Adam was shocked by the discloseness of the truth. He thought that the girl was the wrong one and she should have been given a good lesson but burning someone alive was still too brutal to be expected by a sane human. But now, both sides of the picture are in front of him. He can't let this happen at any cost.

"Bilal, listen, stop crying, and get up. We have to save your sister. Grab the car keys. Hurry up."

Bilal didn't waste a millisecond and ran to grab the car keys. In no time, they were on the gravel trail to save a girl, which was not linked to him in any way. Just a pull. He felt. Maybe because she was still a living being and he had to save her before she would be unalive by those narrow-headed, cruel, and ignorant people.


Ayesha was crying as two men were dragging her to the ward of the brothel, where they gonna burn this innocent soul. Her eyes were swollen. Her throat was dry like the Sahara desert.
She doesn't want to die, but right now, she fears losing the little soul that is growing inside her womb. Is this what her fate had for her? That's how her life gonna end. Just like this. Her mind was filled with various thoughts. But she was firm on her belief. She has that feeling that even everyone gonna turn their faces on her. Allah is still there. Who knew she did nothing wrong? The one who is near to the person more than their jugular vein. How can she be hopeless then?
He promised to help us at that time when we would be disheartened and there would be no hope.

She was just sad because of all this mess that was created. The discomfort she was facing at the moment. But whatever her destiny will hold for her, she will accept it. Cause there is no other option than that.

She was bought in front of the people. Who was looking at her like Hungry Beast? Some were cursing at her, and others were despising her. Because of these wrong allegations, she can't meet eyes with herself. Her family was also among those who were ready to eat her raw. To be exact, her father. Her mother and sister were not there.

She can't even cry anymore. Her eyes were dry, red, and puffy. She just wants this all to end. Either her dying or a miracle taking place.f

"Look, everyone. This happens when you don't think before bringing down your family's face." Shah, Ge continued.

"I hope you all are familiar with the sin this girl had committed. No one in history ever did such a thing. And I will make sure no one in the future does such sin again." People nodded, and some said yes in unison. To tell that they agree with him on such a brutal ritual.

"As you all agree what we are doing is right. I think we should not waste a single second to look at such a black mark. This is going to be a lesson for every one of you. The ones whose minds even have a mere thought of doing anything like this. Shabir!!!" He called the name of his servant with warmth. Shabir came running to him.
" Yes, Shah Ge."

" Ask them to start poring petrol."


"Which way?" He asked Bilal as two paths can be seen in front of them. One of the ways will lead them to the Felon House.

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