Chapter 19

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Maya's POV

"He reciprocated my feelings when he was Jai." I said. I could feel everything that happened between us, just like it was happening now. But it was not. It was years ago. It was when Chris was Jai. It was when he was a kindergarten kid. It was when we both didn't even know what love actually was.

But we felt it.

"But he is not Jai anymore." Ruby voiced a truth that I too should accept.

"But I am the one who made him, Chris." I muttered.

I regret it now. I should have never given that name to him.

I thought Chris would become exclusive to me. But everything took a sudden turn to hell, and Jai became exclusive to me.

"You sound like a fool, Maya. He doesn't even remember you, yet you believe you named him Chris." She asked.

"Yup! That was our last conversation, and I came up with the 'Chris' name." I uttered, though everything felt childish for her.

"You said that your last meeting with him was on his parent's divorce day, right?" She asked out of curiosity.

I started narrating our last meeting as I could recite our memories all day. "Yup! That day in our class, I said to him that I would be calling him by his second name, Kishore, as everyone was referring to him by his first name. But he rejected that idea and proposed to call him 'Kiss', as it sounded similar to his name. Kish! kish! kis! kiss!" She interjected my story and commented, "Ah! Such a romantic boy, even at the age of 4."

"Yes, still he is. Listen to the climax; don't interrupt."

"Okay okay!" She said that and started listening to my childhood love story.

"I rejected his idea of calling him 'kiss' and came up with a name that sounds much similar to it, 'Kris'." I told it and added, "While we are discussing this, someone came to pick him up from school in the middle of classes, and that's the last day I met him. Because of his parents divorce, he went to some other place with his grandma."

"Okay! He didn't remember any of this, which simply means you meant nothing to him." She was so harsh to say something like this to me.

"He didn't suffer from amnesia or any kind of memory loss. He just didn't remember it, as he was so little then. But I do. He must definitely have bits and traces of me lingering in his mind." I said it confidently.

"Just for kindergarten friendship, stalking him, discovering his current location and relocating to that city seems too much." Ruby asserted.

"I am not a stalker. I found his location with the intention of talking to him, but when I was about to, I came to know about his interest in some other girl, which stopped me. I hope she is a passing cloud in his life. Things will change, and I am waiting for it."

"If not?" Ruby really wanted to test my patience.

"If not, I will become a Sanyasi and roam in the Himalayas. Don't worry." I said, to which she replied, "Won't you look for some other..." I chopped her words and said, "My phone as well as me are getting heated up. Let's meet later in person and talk. Bye!"

Under My Sight♥️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant