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"Papa are you sure I look okay?" I asked with worried eyes

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"Papa are you sure I look okay?" I asked with worried eyes. My hands patted down the black leather skirt I had on. Digging in my bag , I pulled out my perfume , covering myself in it.

"Dahlia you look fine. Here , carry the greens." He handed me the dish and led the way to the front door of my grandmother's house. Before he could knock , the door swung open and there stood Penelope , my aunt with a smile.

"Dahlia! Oh my baby , you've gotten so big since the last time I saw you." She grinned , wrapping her arms around me. She pulled back taking the greens from me, "Let me carry this. Come in , come in."

"Good to see you too Aunt P."

She turned on her heels and my father and I followed. As we strolled passed the living room , the sounds of football and yells of protest filled out ears.

We reached the kitchen after what seemed like forever as we said out hellos to everyone there. The food was in it's place and I sat down with my grandmother and aunts at the kitchen table.

" We couldn't believe our eyes when you walked through that door. I was forsure that wasn't you." Tania , a family friend said with a laugh.

I gave the best laugh I could , "Seems that's what everyone is saying these days." Is it a tradition to say that? I look the exact same as I did when I was eight. I just grew a few feet and went through puberty.

" Why haven't you got a plate to eat yet ,  huh?" My abuela asked with a scowl. She looked at me as if I'd gone insane then observed my figure.

She never thought I had enough meat on me , coming over here if I asked for a little bit of food she'd give me a whole plate full. Then she'd forbid me to leave the kitchen if I didn't finish it.

" Sorry grandma , I'll go make a plate now hm?" I kissed her cheek and began to raise from my chair before she grabbed my wrist.

"I make for you."

"That's not really nessec-" She put her hand up and I took that as a sign to shut up and lower myself back onto the chair.  Arguing with my abuela is incredibly foolish. Tried it once , never again.

My aunts and I engaged in conversation while my abuela fixed my plate. She arrived back mid conversation with a plate filled so much that it was about to tip over.

"Thank you," I said, she leaned down and kissed my nose. "You're welcome mija. Now eat."

Her eyes stared at me as I bit into one of the many dishes on my plate. I gave her a thumbs up and she hummed , leaning back into her chair.

☆ ☆ ☆

"Look at the minion float ! Look at the minion float!" My cousin, Ryan squealed, jumping up and down.

"Yes honey , we see." Aunt Janice said, rubbing her hands through her son's hair. Ryan finally decided to sit down , but not on the couch or anything..my lap.

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