Child Days

373 18 3

6 years later....

Miranda, Ben and their parents sat in the auditorium decorated with cute graduation decor. Miranda had been trying to hold it together all week but seeing this was making it so hard. Ben looked over at his wife and saw the look on her face.

"You okay Miranda?"

"I'm trying to be but our baby is graduating from kindergarten and some days it feels like we just had her," Miranda said teary eyed.

"I know baby time did go by so fast," Ben replied.

"She is going to be so excited about the life size pony we got her," Miranda said with a big grin.

"She wanted a real pony, but there is a farm that has a pony a couple hours away. I called and we can go up there next weekend," Ben said.

"It seems like this six year old is getting a lot from graduating kindergarten. What is she going to get at her other graduations? She had a big five and six year old party," David said.

"Yeah, she is having a slumber party with her little friends tonight. Then you're going to the beach on Monday for a week and then she is going to get to see a pony," Janice said.

"She is our baby, so we are going to spoil her as much as possible. Plus she is deserving, she is so smart for her age," Ben said.

"She is very smart to be able to skip grades coming out of kindergarten," Elena said.

"Yes, me and my baby girl sit and learn new words together when she comes over each week. But she loves math and science. She is already starting on the third grade workbook I bought her," William said.

Soon music started playing and the kindergarten graduates walked out looking so cute in their graduation robes and hats. Ben pulled out his phone and made a video so  his siblings and step son could see it since they were at the house setting up the party.

Menna looked out into the crowd of adults and when Miranda saw her looking she quickly wiped her tears not wanting her to worry. She was such a sensitive little girl. Menna smiled when she saw her parents and grandparents there.

She sat down in the chair she was assigned but kept turning to look at her parents. Ben smiled at her and gave a small wave that made her smile.

Once Menna's name was called so she could receive her diploma, Miranda started to cry more and Ben rubbed her back. Menna smiled for her picture with her teacher then walked back to her seat. When graduation was over Menna ran and jumped into her daddy's arms. She loved her momma so much but she was still a typical daddy's girl.

"I graduated daddy."

"You did, I'm so proud of you."

Menna leaned towards Miranda and she opened her arms. "I'm so smart like you mommy, I'm going to second grade. I told my friends but they don't believe me."

"That's okay baby girl. Just continue to be super smart and they will see. Ready to go home and get ready for your party?"

"Yes mommy."

"Okay but greet your grandparents first."

Menna jumped out of her arms and ran over to her grandparents.

They made it home and Menna was so excited to see her brother when she walked through the door.


"Menna bear, congratulations," he shouted as he picked her up.

"Grandma!" Kammie said running into Miranda's arms.

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