Surprise Chances

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Miranda had just finished a five hour surgery and she slowly made her way back to her office. She felt so tired so she just wanted to lay down. The last two weeks she had been feeling so fatigued and she didn't understand why. Even Ben had become worried and told her she needed to go see her doctor.

Miranda left work and made her way home. She opened the door and she could hear Ben in the kitchen making dinner. She was glad it was his turn to cook because she felt too tired. She placed her purse down on the foyer table and stood there because she could feel her heart racing.

"Miranda baby....hey," Ben said as he threw the kitchen towel on his shoulder and kissed her.

She smiled slightly and leaned into the hug he gave her. Ben quickly stood back and looked at her. "Baby your heart is racing, when is your appointment?"

"It's supposed to be tomorrow," Miranda said as she walked pass Ben towards the kitchen.

When she sat down at the island Ben stood beside her and rubbed her back. "Baby I don't like this. Your heart is racing and you've been fatigued so something serious is going on."

Miranda got up to walk to their bedroom. "I'll be fine baby I'm going to go get ready for bed," Miranda said softly.

Ben watched her walk away and he decided to put away the food since it was finished. He hurried to clean the kitchen before he rushed to the bedroom to check on Miranda. When Ben made it to the bedroom he heard the shower running and he peeked in and saw her leaning against the wall and slowly washing her body. When he opened the door Miranda had tears streaming down her face as she tried to wash her body.  Ben stripped and got into the shower with her. He let her lean against him as he finished washing her body.

Ben was trying to be calm but he was rushing because he could feel how hard her heart was beating so he was going to make her go to the emergency room. His mind was racing with all the things that could be going wrong with her heart. All he could think about was how he hadn't had enough time with her and he wasn't about to lose her.

"Come on baby I'm going to get you dressed and we're not waiting until tomorrow, we're going to the emergency department," Ben said throwing on some sweat pants and a sweater.

"Ben I just want to lay down," Miranda whined.

"You can lay down when we get to the ER," Ben said as he dressed her.

When they made it to the ER Ben ran and grabbed a wheelchair to help Miranda out of the car. He hurried to get her inside and when he did he was greeted by a nurse.

"Hey, I recognized you because you come see  Chief Bailey so I figured something was wrong by the look on your face."

"He's my husband Arica," Miranda said weakly.

"Ummm she has been fatigued for over a week. And her heart has been racing nonstop since she came home," Ben spoke.

"Okay let's get her in a bed and do a assessment," Arica said.

After her work up they did labs and Ben told them to rush it. Ben sat beside her bed and watched her breathing pattern refusing to take his eyes off of her. He checked her pulse often to see if her heart was still racing and it was.

"Please be okay baby."

" I'm okay Ben," Miranda whispered with her eyes closed.

After waiting awhile longer a doctor finally came in. "Hi I'm Dr. Lollis from OB and it looks like Chief Bailey is severely anemic. Do you know how many weeks along she is?"

After hearing that statement it's like Ben couldn't hear what was going on as he processed that statement. "Ummm can you say that again....weeks along?"

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