Finally Loving

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Miranda only worked half the day so after she picked up Menna from daycare they went to see her parents. She tired to make sure Menna saw them often.

Miranda was walking up to the door when it swung open and her dad was standing there with a smile. There goes my baby girls, he said as he extended his arms and Menna began to babble and laugh at her grandfather.

"Hey daddy, where is momma?"

"She is in the kitchen watching her stories on the little smart tv y'all got her for Christmas," William said as he sat down and took Menna's jacket off.

Miranda walked into the kitchen and chuckled as her mom was talking out loud to her favorite soap opera.

"Hey momma, enjoying the tv."

"Yes, this is the best thing ever. I can be in here cooking and baking while watching my favorite shows. Even your daddy will come and watch with me if a game isn't on."

Miranda sat down and Elena quickly noticed by her daughter's demeanor that something was on her mind.

"Okay, what is on your mind?"

"You're my mom and we usually don't talk about these things but.... Ben won't have sex with me," Miranda said in a pouty tone.

"Oh no sweetheart, do you feel like he isn't attracted to you anymore?"

"No, he is always telling me how beautiful I am and he is doing all the things except for
the thing. We always get so close and even the other night I finally reached the mountain top from his hand and mouth. But he won't have actual intercourse."

"Mandy you have had heart issues and maybe he is scared. Should we keep Menna so maybe you can show him that you're okay?" Elena suggested.

"I would appreciate that a lot momma and I can just come get her later tonight," Miranda said smiling.

"You haven't let her spend the night yet. We are her grandparents you know."

"I do but I'm just not ready," Miranda said sheepishly as she got up and hugged her momma.

Miranda was glad that she always kept extra of everything Menna needed so she was able to just bring her bag in the house. She rushed home and cleaned a little before cooking some dinner so that they would have something to eat. But she didn't plan on them focusing on food because she hungered for something else.

After that was done she went to take a shower then moisturized her skin before looking through her lingerie. She rarely put it on because she just preferred being naked but she wanted to look and feel sexy.

Ben came home and he was tired from the long day he had. He just wanted some food and to lay down with his girls which is why he just went ahead and showered at the station before coming home.

He opened the door but Miranda and Menna weren't in the living room waiting for him like usual. Instead his wife came down the hall from their bedroom wearing a blue, lace bra and panty set with a sheer robe. His manhood instantly twitched seeing his wife look so sexy.
Ever since she had their daughter she'd been struggling with her self image. But he tried to make sure that she knew she was just as beautiful if not more. But he knew their lack of intimacy might have contributed to that. As much as he was worried about them having sex, he knew he couldn't say no to this.

"Wow baby, you look sexy in my favorite color," Ben said as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Mmm thank you," Miranda moaned into the kiss.

"What's going on baby?"

"Menna is at my parents and Benjamin it has been months since you have been inside of me," Miranda said cupping his face as she continued to kiss him.

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